Average Cardiac Care Nurse Salary in Seattle

Cardiac care nurses in Seattle earn an average of $95,745 per year (or $46.03 per hour).

United States
Seattle, WA
18% higher than the national average
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Seattle cardiac care nurses earn 18% higher than the national average salary for cardiac care nurses, at $80,731 (or $38.81 per hour).

Cardiac care nurse salary range in Seattle, WA

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $123,038 $59
75th Percentile $115,846 $55
Median $95,475 $45
25th Percentile $76,385 $36

80% of Seattle cardiac care nurses earn between $74,717 and $123,038.

Cost-of-living adjusted cardiac care nurse salary in Seattle

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Seattle, WA
Overall Average
Seattle, WA

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Seattle cardiac care nurses earn about $85,486 per year. Cost-of-living in Seattle is 12% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

How much do other nurses get paid in Seattle, WA?

Cath Lab Nurse $107,967 per year
Float Pool Nurse $107,967 per year
Quality Assurance Nurse $107,458 per year
Occupational Health Nurse $106,114 per year
Infection Control Nurse $105,930 per year
Infectious Disease Nurse $105,930 per year
Primary Care Nurse $105,930 per year
Nurse Manager $105,421 per year
Clinical Informatics Nurse $104,402 per year
Nurse Educator $103,893 per year

At a $95,745 average annual salary, cardiac care nurses in Seattle tend to earn less than cath lab nurses ($107,967), float pool nurses ($107,967), quality assurance nurses ($107,458), occupational health nurses ($106,114), infection control nurses ($105,930), infectious disease nurses ($105,930), primary care nurses ($105,930), nurse managers ($105,421), clinical informatics nurses ($104,402), and nurse educators ($103,893).

More about cardiac care nurses

Cardiac nurses serve on the healthcare teams that provide care for patients receiving treatment for cardiovascular conditions and diseases. These registered nurses (RNs) receive special training and certification in the cardiovascular system.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health