LOL OLD GUY HERE .. not exactly relevant but history
... we used to have to spend 2.5 days filling in bubbles on paper with 2,000 of your new best friend. Consisted of 5 exams but one was for test and did not count in your scoring. Each section took 2.5 hours. Proctors all over the place.
had to get 350 to pass except NY who required 500 on each section (A 500 score was known as nationals meaning you could be licensed in any state without restriction if you applied.
No one wanted to retake that set because you had to wait 3 months of the next board test session.
You could get a temp license and work until you failed the 3rd time then started over.
I passed on the first go round. 4 well over 500 and one at 350 ... of course the area I am now best in is the 350 I had to fix my deficits.!
Just one time for me. 75 questions.
Took it twice… 85 the first time, 265 the second time… both extremes experienced
Back in the days of dinosaurs. We had 5 tests over 2 days. It would have been nice to take 1 test. Anyway passed all 5 tests on the first attempt.
Just once, but don’t ask me how many questions. I took boards Aug 11, gave birth to our first child Aug 16, found out I’d passed Aug 21. Kind of a whirlwind time!
One time 85 questions
I took the NCLEX once. I wasn't too sure that I had passed it (on the day that I took it) so it made for a couple of nerve-wracking days.
One time
once, i think. I blanked it out!
7 times
1 time
I took it once and completed it in 75 questions. I used Uworld to prepare.
I passed on the first try.
Once for each of LVN and RN. both times the computer shut off at like 70 or some really odd LOW number and so I thought that I had gotten ALL of them wrong because it couldn't possibly be that I had already got enough correct answers with the amount of questions we were supposed to be able to getLOL
I took NCLEX once
Twice! Was very close the first time, but wasn’t quite there. No shame :)
1 time
This is my first time applying for this job
1x 135qs
1 time 75 guestions
Twice by God’s grace
1 time
at the first try
Just once. I paid for the Hurst Review to review all the content, then did the question bank that everyone uses, forgot what it is called.
1 time. 75 questions.
Just once.
Just once.
1 time 75 questions
Passed the first time for both LPN and RN.
1 time, 75 questions here too.
I passed the first time in 76 questions.
1st try in 75 questions
Two attempts. Passed at 75 on the second attempt. I didn’t study for the first since my att was about to expire.
It's my first time
1 time, 75 questions
1 time
Once, 75 questions
Just once,but that was years ago! More then 160 questions back then plus no computers!.
One time !