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How did you make it through nursing school? How did you study?

December 22nd, 2023

I studied with classmates. Find those who are good test takers. I'm great at clinicals and split up the work between study partners. I did not study with a large group. No more than 4 people and usually 1-2 the best. Hope that helps. Also, here are some tips: write everything down that an instructor mentions more than once. If they repeat a concept, make that a note. If something is written or drawn on a chalk board, write that down or take a photo of it. When reading the chapters, make sure you highlight the bolded, underlined, and boxed information.

I always asked what areas are going to be on the test. Once you have a focused area, then study that aspect first. I hope this helps. Good luck! You got this!!!

July 4th, 2022

3 years for my BSN, 18 months for MSN

July 3rd, 2022

Just study, I didn’t do anything in particular just made sure I knew the material. I also did an accelerated BSN program which was really intense but it was doable. Nursing school is way more stressful in a lot of ways than actual nursing so hang in there!!!

June 22nd, 2024

accelerated bachelors in nursing program was a piece of cake when we realized the instructors didn't know what the hell they were doing and we used the study decision tree algorithms and kaplan decision tree guides to understand critical thinking what is the bestest answer boys and girls cause they are all correct 🙃 welp in textbook world verses real world if you know what i mean 🙂 i learned to weed out the men and women who jumped into nursing but dont have a 💙 to be a nurse they just wanted more money, i can sleep at night i hope they can grow a heart ❤️ i help when i can bit work ICU cause do it yourself if you want it done best, all patients getting a shave cant do beards on a vent , a bed bath, if can do a mani peti for you it was a good day🤩 respiratory didn't stick me with covering their meds too ,lol also me volunteering during the hurricane ida an Louisiana crisis of Ida and my trip to east africa made me the nurse i want to be not programmed to be Hello Human Kindness 😍 i hate using comas or periods 🇺🇸🥰