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How do you stay up-to-date on the latest nursing research and best practices

October 3rd, 2023

Subscribe to a couple of good nursing journals - one general and broadly treating various topics and one that is clinically focused. For my nursing students I recommend American Journal of Nursing and Nursing Made Incredibly Easy. If you have been out of school awhile, try a journal written for your specialty as well. If you belong to a nursing organization ask what journals they recommend. As for Nursing Research, Sigma Theta Tau, is all about it and can point you in the right direction in terms of what may be going on in your area. Also, their journal Image is filled with nursing research studies. Give them a call.

May 28th, 2023

I am constantly reading nursing articles, whether for CEU credit or for my own personal and professional growth, and I am also a member of two professional nursing nursing organizations who meet monthly and we have a speaker presentations on various topics and they're paid for by pharma, so no out-of-pocket for me except for the cost of the annual membership - my hospital doesn't cover the cost, although some hospitals might. I learn quite a bit there, not to mention, a terrific dinner as well as networking, that comes with membership. Look at some CEU websites for FREE Nursing CEUs and see if any articles pique your interest there. I would also check with your Education Department where you are employed ~ surely, there are some professional articles that are recommended online or some sort of nursing education that you should be able to complete on your own. It's highly recommended to stay up-to-date as nursing research and best practices are ever evolving and although there's some expense involved, you may even look into attending conferences from time to time and see if your hospital/facility may assist with reimbursement of costs.