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What are the best 9 to 5 nursing jobs?

October 24th, 2022

I have worked a few great 9-5 nurse jobs, if you like working with kids a school nurse may be a good fit or you could find a specialty area you like to work as a clinic nurse (like dermatology or obgyn) or most doctor”s offices have nurse positions that are usually around the standard 9-5 schedule. I currently work in public health and almost all the nurses work around a 9-5 doing case management or case investigations (I work in communicable disease response division). Some occupational health positions also offer shifts for nurses that fit business hours, I have recently seen jobs posted for on site nurses in large factories for some big name companies). And there is also things that could be flexible enough that you be able to fit to a 9-5 schedule like home health (some get to set their own schedule). Personally, the school nurse job had the best schedule, and the most time off, but was not the best paying job by a long shot. Hopefully you will be able to find something with a balance of fulfillment and compensation. For me, public health case management was that balance.

March 4th, 2024

For nonpatient care positions, you can also consider case management or admissions. For patient care positions, you can look into places like same day surgery, pain clinics, lithotripsy or dialysis.

June 24th, 2024

Outpatient clinics through hispitals