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What is the best thing about being a cardiac care nurse?

March 17th, 2022

Being aCardiac-thoracic Rn and CCU Rn for many years, I learned the BEAUTY of how to keep and bring back a dying HEART ALIVE. So to enjoy the
Happiness of family members and patient as well .

April 11th, 2022

There’s just too many best things to pick from one. I have done a lot of cardiac nurse roles, but I still haven’t done them all. I think I just love the thrill behind it and how much there is to learn from such an amazing muscle/organ. There are so many roles within cardiology 🫀, I don’t think you can ever get bored. I was doing inpatient, then ambulatory as a stress test nurse, triage, and supervisor. I loved it, but also left to explore other options. I would still go back if given the opportunity again.

April 8th, 2022

Seeing positive outcomes in remarkably short periods of time after surgery. Pts. Out of bed 2-3,days post-op. Advancements in technology, I.e., stent placement vs open heart surgery. Education and teaching is ongoing. You’ll have an edge with reading cardiac rhythms and knowing the right interventions for arrhythmias.

January 26th, 2022

You learn a ton and there are so many areas of cardiology you can explore. I have worked cardiac surgery, cardiac step down, cardiac cath lab and stress testing as a NP.

May 14th, 2023

I have been a critical care nurse for 35.5 years. It has been so exciting. Worked ICU, CCU, cvicu, Cath lab, Nicu, Nursing Supervisor, Assisted in OR, Nursing Administration over 26 bed hospital. I have been so blessed.Tried out Occupational Nursing X3years. Case management. Etc…

May 14th, 2023

I am a cardiac nurse. I had wonderful mentors! A great orientation! I went directly to a ICU/CICU. I loved it so much at the beginning and miss it so bad. I have had the privilege to work with some of the finest Physicians and Nurses (RN & LPN) ! The Physicians respected us. Critical Care is my love. Hospitals no longer care about patients or Nurses, only the bottom line. The staffing is No longer acuity based. We would have 2/1 and rarely a third that had transfer orders.
Finally, time to let the young ones step up.