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What is your craziest ghost or supernatural story you have from nursing?

May 3rd, 2022

Manager of a Cardiac Surgery Program. Performed a Coronary Bypass on a pt during the Day. Around Midnight, called to ICU, pt Arresting. Opened his Chest, found a clip came off of one of the grafts. When I Rounded next am, pt doing Fine, but heard that his Identical Twin, in another State, had a Heart Attack during the Night & Died!

May 5th, 2022

Had a patient in full arrest in the ICU, Worked on him for a good while, kept going in an out of VF and in and out of consciousness.

Later when he woke up he began to tell us he was up in the corder of the room by the door the whole time and proceeded to describe the entire set of events and conversations that were going on while he was clearly clinically dead.

Be careful what you say in the middle of an event with an unconscious patient. They may remember.