What are some old school but solid medication tips that you feel new nurses/nurses in the last 5years are unaware of? Ex: diluting IV Phenigran or diluting Keppra in a 100ml bag to go slowly over 8-10min
Don't give more than 1 ml of any drug in the deltoid. Do not give caustic meds in the deltoid. Dilute Rocepin in Lidocaine. Please give more viscous meds in the ventrogluteals (i.e. PCN). If you can, give Zyprexa in the ventrogluteals.
Hydrating a patient with a liter of fluid before or after an infusion DRASTICALLY cuts down their side effects - severity and duration! Have to convince the provider to put it in the order, but that's not too hard to do! Patients needing infusions deal with enough, cutting down side effects really improves their quality of life!
I came across matter experience, everyone has their preferences! So many of these nursing meds and how to make pulling easier or faster etc. I just learned from old school nurses n In orientation and I embed those awesome methods in my brain lol