Average Trauma Nurse Salary in Maine

Trauma nurses in Maine earn an average of $75,733 per year (or $36.41 per hour).

United States
8% lower than the national average
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Maine trauma nurses earn 8% lower than the national average salary for trauma nurses, at $82,750 (or $39.78 per hour).

Trauma nurse salary range in Maine

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $101,602 $48
75th Percentile $80,917 $38
Median $77,183 $37
25th Percentile $63,092 $30

80% of Maine trauma nurses earn between $61,343 and $101,602.

Cost-of-living adjusted trauma nurse salary in Maine

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Overall Average

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Maine trauma nurses earn about $78,237 per year. Cost-of-living in Maine is 3% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Maine for trauma nurses

South Portland, ME $78,027 per year

Maine nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where trauma nurses are paid the highest is South Portland, where the average trauma nurses salary is $78,027 and 4,900 registered nurses are currently employed.

Trauma nurses salaries in other states

California $129,689 per year
Oregon $98,630 per year
Massachusetts $99,464 per year
Washington $97,794 per year
New York $95,886 per year
Nevada $92,941 per year
New Jersey $85,613 per year
Connecticut $97,903 per year
Minnesota $100,071 per year
Maryland $80,949 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in Maine?

Nurse Manager $88,356 per year
Hospice Nurse $88,356 per year
Float Pool Nurse $88,356 per year
Primary Care Nurse $84,148 per year
Case Management Nurse $84,148 per year
Geriatric Nurse $84,148 per year
Ambulatory Nurse $83,096 per year
Rehab Nurse $79,520 per year
Cardiac Care Nurse $77,837 per year
ICU Nurse $77,837 per year

At a $75,733 average annual salary, trauma nurses in Maine tend to earn less than nurse managers ($88,356), hospice nurses ($88,356), float pool nurses ($88,356), primary care nurses ($84,148), case management nurses ($84,148), geriatric nurses ($84,148), ambulatory nurses ($83,096), rehab nurses ($79,520), cardiac care nurses ($77,837), and ICU nurses ($77,837).

More about trauma nurses

A trauma nurse's primary goal is to stabalize patients with serious injuries so they can be transferred to a different department to recieve further care.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health