Average Quality Assurance Nurse Salary in New York
Quality assurance nurses in New York earn an average of $97,052 per year (or $46.65 per hour).
New York quality assurance nurses earn 13% higher than the national average salary for quality assurance nurses, at $85,777 (or $41.24 per hour).
Quality assurance nurse salary range in New York
Annual Salary | Hourly Wage | |
90th Percentile | $132,163 | $63 |
75th Percentile | $105,632 | $50 |
Median | $100,016 | $48 |
25th Percentile | $78,696 | $37 |
80% of New York quality assurance nurses earn between $63,710 and $132,163.
Cost-of-living adjusted quality assurance nurse salary in New York
Adjusted for cost-of-living, New York quality assurance nurses earn about $88,069 per year. Cost-of-living in New York is 10% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.
Quality assurance nurses salaries in other states
California | $121,322 per year |
Massachusetts | $94,482 per year |
Washington | $103,173 per year |
Nevada | $94,736 per year |
New Jersey | $99,882 per year |
Minnesota | $87,077 per year |
Maryland | $87,640 per year |
Arizona | $79,657 per year |
Colorado | $92,307 per year |
Texas | $85,430 per year |
How much do other nurses get paid in New York?
Bariatric Nurse | $106,384 per year |
Clinical Informatics Nurse | $105,908 per year |
Endoscopy Nurse | $102,652 per year |
Blood Management Nurse | $100,785 per year |
Pediatric OR Nurse | $100,169 per year |
Float Pool Nurse | $99,852 per year |
Dermatology Nurse | $98,919 per year |
PACU Nurse | $98,919 per year |
Research Nurse | $98,919 per year |
Cath Lab Nurse | $98,919 per year |
At a $97,052 average annual salary, quality assurance nurses in New York tend to earn less than bariatric nurses ($106,384), clinical informatics nurses ($105,908), endoscopy nurses ($102,652), blood management nurses ($100,785), pediatric OR nurses ($100,169), float pool nurses ($99,852), dermatology nurses ($98,919), PACU nurses ($98,919), research nurses ($98,919), and cath lab nurses ($98,919).
More about quality assurance nurses
Quality assurance nurses main job is to make sure nursing practices within an agency or department are up to par and to identify areas that are needed for improvement.
Free nursing salary estimate
Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health