Average Primary Care Nurse Salary in New Jersey

Primary care nurses in New Jersey earn an average of $101,920 per year (or $49.00 per hour).

United States
New Jersey
21% higher than the national average
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New Jersey primary care nurses earn 21% higher than the national average salary for primary care nurses, at $84,172 (or $40.46 per hour).

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Primary care nurse salary range in New Jersey

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $134,079 $64
75th Percentile $112,886 $54
Median $107,602 $51
25th Percentile $88,693 $42

80% of New Jersey primary care nurses earn between $80,590 and $134,079.

Cost-of-living adjusted primary care nurse salary in New Jersey

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
New Jersey
Overall Average
New Jersey

Adjusted for cost-of-living, New Jersey primary care nurses earn about $91,655 per year. Cost-of-living in New Jersey is 11% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Primary care nurses salaries in other states

California $130,735 per year
Oregon $92,939 per year
Massachusetts $98,004 per year
Washington $101,706 per year
New York $85,854 per year
Nevada $107,700 per year
Connecticut $83,322 per year
Minnesota $71,597 per year
Maryland $86,698 per year
Arizona $85,485 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in New Jersey?

Radiology Nurse $101,920 per year
Quality Assurance Nurse $99,882 per year
PACU Nurse $97,843 per year
Gastroenterology Nurse $97,843 per year
Substance Abuse Nurse $96,620 per year
Pain Management Nurse $95,805 per year
Aesthetic Nurse $95,805 per year
OR Nurse $95,805 per year
Psychiatric Nurse $95,805 per year
Nurse Manager $95,805 per year

At a $101,920 average annual salary, primary care nurses in New Jersey tend to earn more than radiology nurses ($101,920), quality assurance nurses ($99,882), PACU nurses ($97,843), gastroenterology nurses ($97,843), substance abuse nurses ($96,620), pain management nurses ($95,805), aesthetic nurses ($95,805), OR nurses ($95,805), psychiatric nurses ($95,805), and nurse managers ($95,805).

More about primary care nurses

A primary care nurse is a registered nurse who works in an outpatient primary care office. Primary care nurses are well versed on a variety of healthcare issues since they handle a wide array of patient issues.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health