Average Pediatric Nurse Salary in East Hartford

Pediatric nurses in East Hartford earn an average of $83,852 per year (or $40.32 per hour).

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East Hartford, CT
6% higher than the national average
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East Hartford pediatric nurses earn 6% higher than the national average salary for pediatric nurses, at $78,713 (or $37.84 per hour).

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Pediatric nurse salary range in East Hartford, CT

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $97,309 $46
75th Percentile $95,901 $46
Median $76,983 $37
25th Percentile $74,716 $35

80% of East Hartford pediatric nurses earn between $59,175 and $97,309.

Cost-of-living adjusted pediatric nurse salary in East Hartford

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
East Hartford, CT
Overall Average
East Hartford, CT

Adjusted for cost-of-living, East Hartford pediatric nurses earn about $81,489 per year. Cost-of-living in East Hartford is 2% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Connecticut for pediatric nurses

Stamford, CT $87,740 per year

Connecticut nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where pediatric nurses are paid the highest is Stamford, where the average pediatric nurses salary is $87,740 and 7,250 registered nurses are currently employed.

How much do other nurses get paid in East Hartford, CT?

Neurology Nurse $104,304 per year
Nurse Manager $100,724 per year
PACU Nurse $98,168 per year
Nurse Educator $96,194 per year
Ambulatory Nurse $96,123 per year
Substance Abuse Nurse $96,123 per year
Infusion Nurse $96,123 per year
Trauma Nurse $96,123 per year
Research Nurse $96,123 per year
Diabetes Nurse $95,100 per year

At a $83,852 average annual salary, pediatric nurses in East Hartford tend to earn less than neurology nurses ($104,304), nurse managers ($100,724), PACU nurses ($98,168), nurse educators ($96,194), ambulatory nurses ($96,123), substance abuse nurses ($96,123), infusion nurses ($96,123), trauma nurses ($96,123), research nurses ($96,123), and diabetes nurses ($95,100).

More about pediatric nurses

A pediatric nurse cares for and treats children. On any given day, pediatric RNs may assess adolescent patients and provide evidence-based interventions, administer medication or educate parents and caregivers on wellness practices.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health