Average PCU Nurse Salary in West Virginia

PCU nurses in West Virginia earn an average of $74,796 per year (or $35.96 per hour).

United States
West Virginia
4% lower than the national average
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West Virginia PCU nurses earn 4% lower than the national average salary for PCU nurses, at $78,713 (or $37.84 per hour).

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PCU nurse salary range in West Virginia

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $96,690 $46
75th Percentile $84,659 $40
Median $68,990 $33
25th Percentile $65,949 $31

80% of West Virginia PCU nurses earn between $52,470 and $96,690.

Cost-of-living adjusted PCU nurse salary in West Virginia

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
West Virginia
Overall Average
West Virginia

Adjusted for cost-of-living, West Virginia PCU nurses earn about $84,995 per year. Cost-of-living in West Virginia is 12% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

PCU nurses salaries in other states

California $118,707 per year
Oregon $88,197 per year
Alaska $98,156 per year
Massachusetts $79,451 per year
Washington $92,905 per year
New York $97,052 per year
Nevada $82,649 per year
New Jersey $95,805 per year
Connecticut $96,862 per year
Minnesota $79,337 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in West Virginia?

Substance Abuse Nurse $84,651 per year
Nurse Educator $81,871 per year
ICU Nurse $77,302 per year
Rehab Nurse $73,664 per year
Home Health Nurse $72,774 per year
Wound Nurse $70,753 per year
Psychiatric Nurse $68,226 per year
Cardiac Care Nurse $67,720 per year
Palliative Care Nurse $67,559 per year
Nurse Manager $67,306 per year

At a $74,796 average annual salary, PCU nurses in West Virginia tend to earn less than substance abuse nurses ($84,651), nurse educators ($81,871), and ICU nurses ($77,302). They tend to earn more than rehab nurses ($73,664), home health nurses ($72,774), wound nurses ($70,753), psychiatric nurses ($68,226), cardiac care nurses ($67,720), palliative care nurses ($67,559), and nurse managers ($67,306).

More about PCU nurses

A PCU nurse treats patients with chronic health conditions or recovering from surgery. They work in Progressive Care Units, which are also called step-down units.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health