Average Orthopedics Nurse Salary in Minnesota

Orthopedics nurses in Minnesota earn an average of $93,850 per year (or $45.12 per hour).

United States
13% higher than the national average
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Minnesota orthopedics nurses earn 13% higher than the national average salary for orthopedics nurses, at $82,750 (or $39.78 per hour).

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Orthopedics nurse salary range in Minnesota

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $113,484 $54
75th Percentile $110,994 $53
Median $88,344 $42
25th Percentile $83,530 $40

80% of Minnesota orthopedics nurses earn between $67,961 and $113,484.

Cost-of-living adjusted orthopedics nurse salary in Minnesota

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Overall Average

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Minnesota orthopedics nurses earn about $95,182 per year. Cost-of-living in Minnesota is 1% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Minnesota for orthopedics nurses

Minneapolis, MN $96,821 per year
Rochester, MN $96,575 per year

Minnesota nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where orthopedics nurses are paid the highest is Minneapolis, where the average orthopedics nurses salary is $96,821 and 41,850 registered nurses are currently employed. The Rochester area comes in second, with a $96,575 average orthopedics nurse salary and 9,190 registered nurses employed.

Orthopedics nurses salaries in other states

California $122,368 per year
Oregon $106,122 per year
Massachusetts $105,219 per year
Washington $95,350 per year
New York $97,052 per year
Nevada $90,747 per year
New Jersey $88,823 per year
Connecticut $96,862 per year
Maryland $81,364 per year
Arizona $78,802 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in Minnesota?

Neurology Nurse $102,345 per year
Blood Management Nurse $100,623 per year
Trauma Nurse $100,071 per year
Nurse Manager $98,688 per year
Clinical Informatics Nurse $97,720 per year
Research Nurse $97,362 per year
Urology Nurse $96,037 per year
Transplant Nurse $95,766 per year
Renal Nurse $95,766 per year
Infusion Nurse $95,427 per year

At a $93,850 average annual salary, orthopedics nurses in Minnesota tend to earn less than neurology nurses ($102,345), blood management nurses ($100,623), trauma nurses ($100,071), nurse managers ($98,688), clinical informatics nurses ($97,720), research nurses ($97,362), urology nurses ($96,037), transplant nurses ($95,766), renal nurses ($95,766), and infusion nurses ($95,427).

More about orthopedics nurses

Orthopedic nurses treat patients who have musculoskeletal issues such as osteoporosis or joint replacement.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health