Average Oncology Nurse Salary in El Paso

Oncology nurses in El Paso earn an average of $70,089 per year (or $33.70 per hour).

United States
El Paso, TX
17% lower than the national average
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El Paso oncology nurses earn 17% lower than the national average salary for oncology nurses, at $84,768 (or $40.75 per hour).

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Oncology nurse salary range in El Paso, TX

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $91,316 $43
75th Percentile $79,372 $38
Median $64,623 $31
25th Percentile $60,392 $29

80% of El Paso oncology nurses earn between $49,429 and $91,316.

Cost-of-living adjusted oncology nurse salary in El Paso

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
El Paso, TX
Overall Average
El Paso, TX

Adjusted for cost-of-living, El Paso oncology nurses earn about $75,203 per year. Cost-of-living in El Paso is 6% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Texas for oncology nurses

Sugar Land, TX $84,919 per year
Fort Worth-Arlington, TX $83,269 per year
Round Rock, TX $82,429 per year
New Braunfels, TX $79,837 per year

Texas nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where oncology nurses are paid the highest is Sugar Land, where the average oncology nurses salary is $84,919 and 54,540 registered nurses are currently employed. The Fort Worth-Arlington area comes in second, with a $83,269 average oncology nurse salary and 62,840 registered nurses employed.

How much do other nurses get paid in El Paso, TX?

Cath Lab Nurse $74,762 per year
Aesthetic Nurse $74,762 per year
Quality Assurance Nurse $74,762 per year
Bariatric Nurse $74,167 per year
Vascular Nurse $73,708 per year
Nurse Manager $73,657 per year
Float Pool Nurse $73,521 per year
OR Nurse $73,063 per year
Womens Health Nurse $73,063 per year
Transplant Nurse $73,063 per year

At a $70,089 average annual salary, oncology nurses in El Paso tend to earn less than cath lab nurses ($74,762), aesthetic nurses ($74,762), quality assurance nurses ($74,762), bariatric nurses ($74,167), vascular nurses ($73,708), nurse managers ($73,657), float pool nurses ($73,521), OR nurses ($73,063), womens health nurses ($73,063), and transplant nurses ($73,063).

More about oncology nurses

An oncology nurse is a type of nurse who specializes in providing care and support to patients who are dealing with cancer. They work in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings, and provide care to patients of all ages. Some of their specific duties might include providing education and support to patients and their families, administering chemotherapy and other medications, monitoring patients' response to treatment, and providing symptom management. They may also be involved in coordinating care with other members of the healthcare team, and providing emotional support to patients and their loved ones.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health