Average Occupational Health Nurse Salary in Worcester

Occupational health nurses in Worcester earn an average of $82,478 per year (or $39.66 per hour).

United States
Worcester, MA
2% lower than the national average
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Worcester occupational health nurses earn 2% lower than the national average salary for occupational health nurses, at $84,768 (or $40.75 per hour).

Occupational health nurse salary range in Worcester, MA

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $112,000 $53
75th Percentile $88,872 $42
Median $88,078 $42
25th Percentile $70,354 $33

80% of Worcester occupational health nurses earn between $55,916 and $112,000.

Cost-of-living adjusted occupational health nurse salary in Worcester

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Worcester, MA
Overall Average
Worcester, MA

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Worcester occupational health nurses earn about $81,986 per year. Cost-of-living in Worcester is 0% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Massachusetts for occupational health nurses

Boston, MA $93,286 per year
Springfield, MA $75,721 per year

Massachusetts nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where occupational health nurses are paid the highest is Boston, where the average occupational health nurses salary is $93,286 and 66,120 registered nurses are currently employed. The Springfield area comes in second, with a $75,721 average occupational health nurse salary and 7,340 registered nurses employed.

How much do other nurses get paid in Worcester, MA?

Cath Lab Nurse $117,826 per year
Aesthetic Nurse $112,917 per year
Radiology Nurse $111,935 per year
Transplant Nurse $109,971 per year
PACU Nurse $108,007 per year
Nurse Manager $106,044 per year
Nurse Educator $105,003 per year
Endoscopy Nurse $104,080 per year
Neurology Nurse $103,098 per year
Vascular Nurse $102,116 per year

At a $82,478 average annual salary, occupational health nurses in Worcester tend to earn less than cath lab nurses ($117,826), aesthetic nurses ($112,917), radiology nurses ($111,935), transplant nurses ($109,971), PACU nurses ($108,007), nurse managers ($106,044), nurse educators ($105,003), endoscopy nurses ($104,080), neurology nurses ($103,098), and vascular nurses ($102,116).

More about occupational health nurses

An occupational health nurse is a type of nurse who specializes in providing care and support to individuals who are dealing with work-related health issues. They work in a variety of settings, including workplaces, clinics, and hospitals, and provide care to people of all ages. Some of their specific duties might include providing education and support to workers and their families, conducting health assessments and screenings, and providing care and treatment for work-related injuries and illnesses. They may also be involved in developing and implementing workplace health and safety programs, and coordinating care with other members of the healthcare team.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health