Average Nurse Manager Salary in Delaware

Nurse managers in Delaware earn an average of $86,400 per year (or $41.54 per hour).

United States
2% lower than the national average
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Delaware nurse managers earn 2% lower than the national average salary for nurse managers, at $88,804 (or $42.69 per hour).

Nurse manager salary range in Delaware

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $110,866 $53
75th Percentile $103,077 $49
Median $83,755 $40
25th Percentile $68,366 $32

80% of Delaware nurse managers earn between $66,555 and $110,866.

Cost-of-living adjusted nurse manager salary in Delaware

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Overall Average

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Delaware nurse managers earn about $88,253 per year. Cost-of-living in Delaware is 2% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Nurse managers salaries in other states

California $129,689 per year
Oregon $104,320 per year
Alaska $97,230 per year
Massachusetts $115,956 per year
Washington $101,217 per year
New York $97,986 per year
Nevada $102,713 per year
New Jersey $95,805 per year
Connecticut $102,590 per year
Minnesota $98,688 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in Delaware?

PCU Nurse $89,143 per year
Med Surg Nurse $88,452 per year
Cardiac Care Nurse $86,400 per year
ER Nurse $86,400 per year
ICU Nurse $85,320 per year
Telemetry Nurse $84,240 per year
Hospice Nurse $84,240 per year
Psychiatric Nurse $77,760 per year
Pediatric Nurse $75,600 per year
Home Health Nurse $75,600 per year

At a $86,400 average annual salary, nurse managers in Delaware tend to earn less than PCU nurses ($89,143) and med surg nurses ($88,452). They tend to earn more than cardiac care nurses ($86,400), ER nurses ($86,400), ICU nurses ($85,320), telemetry nurses ($84,240), hospice nurses ($84,240), psychiatric nurses ($77,760), pediatric nurses ($75,600), and home health nurses ($75,600).

More about nurse managers

Nurse managers oversee the day-to-day work of nurses in a hospital or clinical setting. They serve as clinical and administrative leaders of their units, leading patient care while also supervising other nurses.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health