Average NICU Nurse Salary in Illinois

NICU nurses in Illinois earn an average of $80,945 per year (or $38.92 per hour).

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0% higher than the national average
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Illinois NICU nurses earn 0% higher than the national average salary for NICU nurses, at $80,731 (or $38.81 per hour).

NICU nurse salary range in Illinois

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $104,103 $50
75th Percentile $96,428 $46
Median $80,241 $38
25th Percentile $64,851 $31

80% of Illinois NICU nurses earn between $61,686 and $104,103.

Cost-of-living adjusted NICU nurse salary in Illinois

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Overall Average

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Illinois NICU nurses earn about $80,542 per year. Cost-of-living in Illinois is 0% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Illinois for NICU nurses

Chicago, IL $84,089 per year
Peoria, IL $70,984 per year

Illinois nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where NICU nurses are paid the highest is Chicago, where the average NICU nurses salary is $84,089 and 96,750 registered nurses are currently employed. The Peoria area comes in second, with a $70,984 average NICU nurse salary and 5,460 registered nurses employed.

NICU nurses salaries in other states

California $125,506 per year
Massachusetts $103,072 per year
Washington $93,883 per year
New York $93,320 per year
Nevada $103,711 per year
New Jersey $88,670 per year
Connecticut $83,322 per year
Maryland $78,838 per year
Arizona $80,628 per year
Colorado $80,397 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in Illinois?

Cath Lab Nurse $94,764 per year
Clinical Informatics Nurse $94,764 per year
Radiology Nurse $93,777 per year
Endoscopy Nurse $90,816 per year
Quality Assurance Nurse $89,829 per year
Vascular Nurse $87,854 per year
Renal Nurse $86,867 per year
Research Nurse $85,505 per year
Pediatric Critical Care Nurse $84,893 per year
Diabetes Nurse $84,893 per year

At a $80,945 average annual salary, NICU nurses in Illinois tend to earn less than cath lab nurses ($94,764), clinical informatics nurses ($94,764), radiology nurses ($93,777), endoscopy nurses ($90,816), quality assurance nurses ($89,829), vascular nurses ($87,854), renal nurses ($86,867), research nurses ($85,505), pediatric critical care nurses ($84,893), and diabetes nurses ($84,893).

More about NICU nurses

NICU or neonatal nurses provide round-the-clock care for newborn infants who face a variety of medical issues right after birth. This list of medical conditions include premature birth, low birthweight and congential disabilities.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health