Average Home Health Nurse Salary in Hillsboro

Home health nurses in Hillsboro earn an average of $96,487 per year (or $46.39 per hour).

United States
Hillsboro, OR
19% higher than the national average
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Hillsboro home health nurses earn 19% higher than the national average salary for home health nurses, at $80,428 (or $38.66 per hour).

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Home health nurse salary range in Hillsboro, OR

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $122,708 $58
75th Percentile $113,838 $54
Median $96,354 $46
25th Percentile $90,330 $43

80% of Hillsboro home health nurses earn between $73,473 and $122,708.

Cost-of-living adjusted home health nurse salary in Hillsboro

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Hillsboro, OR
Overall Average
Hillsboro, OR

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Hillsboro home health nurses earn about $91,284 per year. Cost-of-living in Hillsboro is 5% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

How much do other nurses get paid in Hillsboro, OR?

OR Nurse $116,868 per year
Womens Health Nurse $110,619 per year
Cardiac Care Nurse $109,484 per year
Pain Management Nurse $109,436 per year
Orthopedics Nurse $109,436 per year
PACU Nurse $109,201 per year
Nurse Manager $107,577 per year
Palliative Care Nurse $107,577 per year
Nurse Educator $105,621 per year
Telemetry Nurse $105,621 per year

At a $96,487 average annual salary, home health nurses in Hillsboro tend to earn less than OR nurses ($116,868), womens health nurses ($110,619), cardiac care nurses ($109,484), pain management nurses ($109,436), orthopedics nurses ($109,436), PACU nurses ($109,201), nurse managers ($107,577), palliative care nurses ($107,577), nurse educators ($105,621), and telemetry nurses ($105,621).

More about home health nurses

A home health nurse provides home-based care for patients of all ages. This can include the elderly, disabled, or terminally ill. A home health nurse can provide services for people who are recovering from an accident, surgeries, or have a chronic disease like diabetes.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health