Average HIV Nurse Salary in Bakersfield

HIV nurses in Bakersfield earn an average of $101,462 per year (or $48.78 per hour).

United States
Bakersfield, CA
25% higher than the national average
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Bakersfield HIV nurses earn 25% higher than the national average salary for HIV nurses, at $80,731 (or $38.81 per hour).

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HIV nurse salary range in Bakersfield, CA

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $141,748 $68
75th Percentile $118,147 $56
Median $94,934 $45
25th Percentile $89,543 $43

80% of Bakersfield HIV nurses earn between $71,096 and $141,748.

Cost-of-living adjusted HIV nurse salary in Bakersfield

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Bakersfield, CA
Overall Average
Bakersfield, CA

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Bakersfield HIV nurses earn about $102,280 per year. Cost-of-living in Bakersfield is 0% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in California for HIV nurses

Santa Clara, CA $147,073 per year
Hayward, CA $143,671 per year
Sacramento, CA $128,370 per year
Fresno, CA $113,533 per year
Lodi, CA $113,315 per year
Los Angeles, CA $110,008 per year
Ventura, CA $108,511 per year
Carlsbad, CA $107,204 per year
Ontario, CA $105,830 per year

California nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where HIV nurses are paid the highest is Santa Clara, where the average HIV nurses salary is $147,073 and 20,640 registered nurses are currently employed. The Hayward area comes in second, with a $143,671 average HIV nurse salary and 41,160 registered nurses employed.

How much do other nurses get paid in Bakersfield, CA?

Transport Nurse $130,068 per year
Transplant Nurse $124,649 per year
Fertility Nurse $123,240 per year
Reproductive Nurse $123,240 per year
Endoscopy Nurse $120,133 per year
Womens Health Nurse $117,423 per year
ENT Nurse $117,423 per year
Cath Lab Nurse $117,423 per year
Primary Care Nurse $112,906 per year
Nurse Educator $112,906 per year

At a $101,462 average annual salary, HIV nurses in Bakersfield tend to earn less than transport nurses ($130,068), transplant nurses ($124,649), fertility nurses ($123,240), reproductive nurses ($123,240), endoscopy nurses ($120,133), womens health nurses ($117,423), ENT nurses ($117,423), cath lab nurses ($117,423), primary care nurses ($112,906), and nurse educators ($112,906).

More about HIV nurses

An HIV/AIDS nurse works with patients who are immunodeficient. The help with treatment and management at family health centers and other healthcare facilities.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health