Average Hematology Nurse Salary in Colorado

Hematology nurses in Colorado earn an average of $77,419 per year (or $37.22 per hour).

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7% lower than the national average
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Colorado hematology nurses earn 7% lower than the national average salary for hematology nurses, at $83,960 (or $40.36 per hour).

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Hematology nurse salary range in Colorado

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $96,805 $46
75th Percentile $91,383 $43
Median $74,924 $36
25th Percentile $66,872 $32

80% of Colorado hematology nurses earn between $58,110 and $96,805.

Cost-of-living adjusted hematology nurse salary in Colorado

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Overall Average

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Colorado hematology nurses earn about $75,237 per year. Cost-of-living in Colorado is 2% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Colorado for hematology nurses

Denver, CO $79,521 per year

Colorado nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where hematology nurses are paid the highest is Denver, where the average hematology nurses salary is $79,521 and 27,860 registered nurses are currently employed.

Hematology nurses salaries in other states

California $129,689 per year
Massachusetts $85,893 per year
Washington $96,816 per year
New York $98,919 per year
Maryland $90,467 per year
Texas $76,693 per year
Illinois $76,443 per year
Wisconsin $82,650 per year
Pennsylvania $79,799 per year
Michigan $76,350 per year

How much do other nurses get paid in Colorado?

Clinical Informatics Nurse $114,143 per year
Aesthetic Nurse $92,307 per year
Quality Assurance Nurse $92,307 per year
Dialysis Nurse $90,322 per year
OR Nurse $89,330 per year
Radiology Nurse $86,352 per year
Nurse Manager $85,359 per year
Transplant Nurse $83,374 per year
Diabetes Nurse $83,374 per year
Substance Abuse Nurse $83,374 per year

At a $77,419 average annual salary, hematology nurses in Colorado tend to earn less than clinical informatics nurses ($114,143), aesthetic nurses ($92,307), quality assurance nurses ($92,307), dialysis nurses ($90,322), OR nurses ($89,330), radiology nurses ($86,352), nurse managers ($85,359), transplant nurses ($83,374), diabetes nurses ($83,374), and substance abuse nurses ($83,374).

More about hematology nurses

Hematology nurses work to treat blood and bone marrow disorders. Their role is often paired with oncology, due to the similarities between the two fields.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health