Average Float Pool Nurse Salary in Pensacola

Float pool nurses in Pensacola earn an average of $73,729 per year (or $35.45 per hour).

United States
Pensacola, FL
13% lower than the national average
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Pensacola float pool nurses earn 13% lower than the national average salary for float pool nurses, at $84,768 (or $40.75 per hour).

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Float pool nurse salary range in Pensacola, FL

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $86,169 $41
75th Percentile $84,728 $40
Median $67,129 $32
25th Percentile $65,138 $31

80% of Pensacola float pool nurses earn between $52,214 and $86,169.

Cost-of-living adjusted float pool nurse salary in Pensacola

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Pensacola, FL
Overall Average
Pensacola, FL

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Pensacola float pool nurses earn about $78,686 per year. Cost-of-living in Pensacola is 6% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

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Highest paying cities in Florida for float pool nurses

Miami, FL $81,637 per year
Gainesville, FL $81,373 per year
Cape Coral, FL $80,758 per year
Tampa, FL $80,714 per year
Kissimmee, FL $80,043 per year
Bradenton, FL $79,636 per year
Jacksonville, FL $77,491 per year
Ormond Beach, FL $71,848 per year

Florida nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where float pool nurses are paid the highest is Miami, where the average float pool nurses salary is $81,637 and 53,110 registered nurses are currently employed. The Gainesville area comes in second, with a $81,373 average float pool nurse salary and 6,010 registered nurses employed.

How much do other nurses get paid in Pensacola, FL?

Transport Nurse $75,549 per year
Occupational Health Nurse $74,867 per year
Radiology Nurse $74,639 per year
Cath Lab Nurse $74,639 per year
Aesthetic Nurse $72,819 per year
Quality Assurance Nurse $72,819 per year
ENT Nurse $72,819 per year
Pediatric Emergency Nurse $72,819 per year
Vascular Nurse $70,634 per year
Nurse Manager $70,088 per year

At a $73,729 average annual salary, float pool nurses in Pensacola tend to earn less than transport nurses ($75,549), occupational health nurses ($74,867), radiology nurses ($74,639), and cath lab nurses ($74,639). They tend to earn more than aesthetic nurses ($72,819), quality assurance nurses ($72,819), ENT nurses ($72,819), pediatric emergency nurses ($72,819), vascular nurses ($70,634), and nurse managers ($70,088).

More about float pool nurses

A float pool nurse serves as a flexible resource of nurses who are ready to adapt to versatile roles in a healthcare system. This resourceful pool is often created to fill in short-staffed units and relieve other nurses during their meals and other mandatory breaks.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health