Average Cardiac Care Nurse Salary in Philadelphia

Cardiac care nurses in Philadelphia earn an average of $85,234 per year (or $40.97 per hour).

United States
Philadelphia, PA
5% higher than the national average
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Philadelphia cardiac care nurses earn 5% higher than the national average salary for cardiac care nurses, at $80,731 (or $38.81 per hour).

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Cardiac care nurse salary range in Philadelphia, PA

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $104,611 $50
75th Percentile $100,790 $48
Median $81,694 $39
25th Percentile $76,623 $36

80% of Philadelphia cardiac care nurses earn between $63,868 and $104,611.

Cost-of-living adjusted cardiac care nurse salary in Philadelphia

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
Philadelphia, PA
Overall Average
Philadelphia, PA

Adjusted for cost-of-living, Philadelphia cardiac care nurses earn about $83,317 per year. Cost-of-living in Philadelphia is 2% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Pennsylvania for cardiac care nurses

Bethlehem, PA $79,351 per year
Harrisburg, PA $78,205 per year
Pittsburgh, PA $76,186 per year
Hazleton, PA $73,405 per year

Pennsylvania nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where cardiac care nurses are paid the highest is Bethlehem, where the average cardiac care nurses salary is $79,351 and 9,930 registered nurses are currently employed. The Harrisburg area comes in second, with a $78,205 average cardiac care nurse salary and 9,240 registered nurses employed.

How much do other nurses get paid in Philadelphia, PA?

Occupational Health Nurse $95,836 per year
Aesthetic Nurse $93,320 per year
PACU Nurse $90,844 per year
Ambulatory Nurse $90,345 per year
Cath Lab Nurse $90,335 per year
Blood Management Nurse $89,846 per year
Pulmonary Care Nurse $89,846 per year
Mother Baby Nurse $87,849 per year
Research Nurse $87,849 per year
Correctional Care Nurse $87,849 per year

At a $85,234 average annual salary, cardiac care nurses in Philadelphia tend to earn less than occupational health nurses ($95,836), aesthetic nurses ($93,320), PACU nurses ($90,844), ambulatory nurses ($90,345), cath lab nurses ($90,335), blood management nurses ($89,846), pulmonary care nurses ($89,846), mother baby nurses ($87,849), research nurses ($87,849), and correctional care nurses ($87,849).

More about cardiac care nurses

Cardiac nurses serve on the healthcare teams that provide care for patients receiving treatment for cardiovascular conditions and diseases. These registered nurses (RNs) receive special training and certification in the cardiovascular system.

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Data sources: rn salary data, cost of living data, proprietary data from Incredible Health