Average Nurse Anesthetist Salary in West Des Moines

Nurse anesthetists in West Des Moines earn an average of $217,450 per year (or $104.54 per hour).

United States
West Des Moines, IA
7% higher than the national average
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West Des Moines nurse anesthetists earn 7% higher than the national average salary for CRNAs, at $202,470 (or $97.34 per hour).

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Nurse anesthetist salary range in West Des Moines, IA

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile N/A N/A
75th Percentile N/A N/A
Median N/A N/A
25th Percentile $169,000 $81

Cost-of-living adjusted nurse anesthetist salary in West Des Moines

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted
West Des Moines, IA
Overall Average
West Des Moines, IA

Adjusted for cost-of-living, West Des Moines CRNAs earn about $229,135 per year. Cost-of-living in West Des Moines is 5% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Highest paying cities in Iowa for nurse anesthetists

Council Bluffs, IA $232,260 per year
Davenport, IA $227,900 per year
Sioux City, IA $179,040 per year

Iowa nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where nurse anesthetists are paid the highest is Council Bluffs, where the average CRNAs salary is $232,260 and 230 nurse anesthetists are currently employed. The Davenport area comes in second, with a $227,900 average CRNA salary and 50 nurse anesthetists employed.

How much do similar professions get paid in West Des Moines, IA?

Nurse Practitioner $117,760 per year
Physical Therapist $83,440 per year
Dental Hygienist $79,980 per year
Registered Nurse $66,950 per year
Licensed Practical Nurse $50,470 per year
Pharmacy Technician $36,810 per year

At a $217,450 average annual salary, CRNAs in West Des Moines tend to earn more than nurse practitioners ($117,760), physical therapists ($83,440), dental hygienists ($79,980), registered nurses ($66,950), licensed practical nurses ($50,470), and pharmacy technicians ($36,810).

More about nurse anesthetists

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) administer anesthesia (a mixture of medications that put you in a sleep-like state) before medical procedures while ensuring the comfort and safety of their patients. Given the delicate nature of their work, CRNAs must have extensive education and experience. Because of this, they are typically compensated at a higher rate than other types of nurses.

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Data sources: cost of living data