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I am middle-aged and always wanted to be a nurse, it is not easy going back to school again, I struggle with a few of the classes. Do you have any advice for me as far as if this is a good idea for me? My family is non-supportive, it's my dream.

March 30th, 2024

I'm 46. I started school about 40 to get my gen eds and then went to nursing school for my ADN. My first semester was January 2020 during COVID. We went on spring break and never returned to the classroom. It took me a year after I graduated to pass the NCLEX. (I took it 3 times). I'm saying all this to tell you, YOU CAN do this! I'm sorry your family isn't supportive. The classes were stressful and it took a lot of time away from family. But in the long run, I can now support my family and do not need help financially. I'm learning every day and touching lives. There are so many different routes to take in nursing. It opens soany doors.

January 27th, 2023

I applaud you for wanting to follow your dreams. It doesn't matter what age you are, what matters is how determined you are. You need to move forward, you will not regret it. Good luck!

January 20th, 2023

Become whoever you dream that you can be. Just do your best and keep moving forward. I promise you that you will succeed. God Bless you.
From San RN

December 2nd, 2022

I went back to nursing school also as a middle aged student and it is difficult. I also worked full-time, but it is possible in the beginning. I started with one class to build my confidence and re-teach myself how to study after I did this I increased to two classes for I knew that working full-time and taking nursing classes is very difficult I completed my RN classes in nine months and then worked as an RN for two years after which. I enrolled in a BSNMSN program online it did take me a while to complete, but I also kept. Same number of classes 1 to 2 and was able to complete them. With very good grades because I was able to take the time to the classes that I needed to understand. There were times when I had to reread assignments several times to comprehend information. You can do this, but be realistic with the amount of classes that you take because it’s better to take them 1 to 2 classes then just take as many as you can. Good luck. I hope this helped you also to let you know. I also was enrolled in the NP class I had gotten sick and was unable to fulfill that obligation it is just too much for me to do but that’s OK say accomplished what I wanted to do in the beginning

November 30th, 2022

Don’t give up on your dream. I went to school right after high school. There were about 5 middle aged ladies in my class and they did very well. I asked them how they did so well and they answered Studied they all had their own way but most of them used the index cards they made from their notes they took during class. They also asked for help from the teachers and fellow students

June 23rd, 2024

Dear future Nurse
Go ahead full force and "become whom you dream you can be ". It's your life . Now go live, learn and love yourself.
From SanMarie RN BSN

May 26th, 2024

I have asked myself the same question in regards to earning an MSN. I know that I have enough downtime off duty, high motivation, and I am an outstanding student (always have been), actually enjoy academic coursework and continuing education. If I could obtain the degree without incurring debt, I wouldn't hesitate, even though retirement is less than ten years away. The cost is the major deterrent. I am realistic about my finances. Even with tuition assistance or a grant, I'd still have a huge expense that might be an unwise investment for which I don't practice long enough to reap a return on. You say you are middle-aged, which is ambiguous, even subjective. Without asking you to state your actual age, I'd tell you to ask yourself how many more years, realistically, can you work fulltime? It's not just about fulfilling a dream (I would love a masters degree and I could definitely get through the rigors of a graduate degree program) it's about if it is feasible within your budget. If you can find an affordable RN program that involves substantial financial aid and that you can complete in, say, less than three years, I'd say, "go for it!"

March 30th, 2024

If it’s your dream then you should do it! If not you will regret it. I started an ADN program at 48 and loved every minute. It wasn’t always easy but I loved it! I just passed the nclex and will start looking for a job.

March 30th, 2024

Do it! You can absolutely make your dream come true. I’m a nurse that started in my 30s and currently in my MSN program at 48. I pinned my mother who made her dream of becoming a nurse much late in life she has no regrets! I wish you all the best. I KNOW you can do it. Going back to school is challenging but you will see that you are smarter now than before. Trust me the way will be made for you to have what you need. You’ll meet new people on the same journey that will encourage you, instructors and classmates. However, if YOU are the only one that believes in this dream YOU are ENOUGH!!!!

March 30th, 2024

I so wish I could talk to you in person! In my long career as a nurse I have often taken care of patients that were reassessing their lives. Some were older with chronic or terminal conditions. Others were younger, sidelined by unexpected illnesses or injury. The often shared stories about their plans for the future, including those 'dreams' you mentioned. There was sometimes a story about why the dream never materialized and the regret in their voice was obvious. Please stay the course. Keep the Dream alive.
Create the support you need from friends, classmates and instructors. Talk to the nurses you get to know during this educational adventure. My own experience led me from LVN to RN to BSN over fifty-three years working in a variety of settings in several states and overseas. Gods Grace to you and yours!

May 13th, 2023

It is not easy, especially being out of school for a while, working, and caring for your family. If it is something YOU REALLY WANT, then you go for it! You need to do something for yourself that you need and want to do. It will make you happy to earn it for you. You won't look back and say, "I should have done it!" Make yourself proud! If you struggle with classes, start a study group and share techniques of learning and study together. You will be a cose group forevermore. Good luck!

January 2nd, 2023

I went back for my. Bachelors deree at 50. I did the classes one or two at a time while I worked. It is your own project not your family's, so keep at it. Eventually you will run out of classes and be done. See if you can find encouragement from a friend. See if your employer will help with tuition. A journey of a thousand steps starts with the first.