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How does PTSD affect my patient?

October 15th, 2021

Quite a bit. I work in the state mental hospital

April 8th, 2022

PTSD in clients is the gift that keeps on giving. We as clinicians do not always know the factors that trigger specific behaviors in our clients. Particularly when we are first getting to know them. These client responses can be devastating and prohibit good therapeutic intervention if we are not sensitive to each situation that a client presents. When we do not recognize that they are in a traumatic state, it can impede the interventional services that are being provided.

May 25th, 2024

PTSD affects each patient differently. Post Tramatic Stress Disorder is the result of trauma which can cause unexpected symptoms. Depression, increasing anxiety, self-harming behaviors, total shut down of any communication are all common. Being a veteran with PTSD, it's hard for me to open up to others, so I try to keep it on the downlow. I have my counselors and see them regularly, so it's managed. But high Stress situations, family crisis, unexpected problems can trigger a response that is unexpected. As a nurse, we have to remember that we are seeing the patient at a bad time, so they could have already been triggered
So just remember that they are having issues that are hard to understand unless we have experienced some form of trauma that stays with us. We are their advocates. Remember this.