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I’m a new grad who luckily got a job right after graduation. However, on my first day, I felt that the senior nurses disliked me. Should I just ignore them and just do my own thing?

February 15th, 2023

OMG not if you like the work minus those senior nurses. Sometimes those senior nurses are testing the new ones. Remember they have more experience then you and could be a great resource. I remember being tested. I was not a new grad, but it was a new hospital. Anyways, during orientation to the ED, I had someone coming in coding and I just did it. My preceptor raved about how I just jumped in and worked it. I still had to prove my abilities and showed them I was a hard worker, but after I broke the was an awesome experience.

March 30th, 2023

Hazing new nurses is unhealthy and behavior that is rooted in fear. I don’t know how it can be tolerated still. It’s all based in the narcissist tendencies of the healthcare system. It doesn’t allow for emotional input anymore- it’s a dis-ease model for practicing health?? No wonder you are feeling abandoned, disliked and unappreciated. It’s sick. You’re there to be acknowledged included and supported. Why would you want to condone that way of being to the next generation is beyond me and precisely why the system is failing everyone!