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Why is it so difficult to find work as a disabled RN? I'm now forced to use a wheelchair, but I have so much to offer!! Any advice?

November 16th, 2022

There are positions available, but it will require a lot of digging and perseverance:

1. Get in touch with your Board of Nursing and your State Nursing Associations, they might have more information to help you.
2. There might be associations and organizations for Disabled Nurses that might help you.
3. Look for CEUs that are designed specifically for Disabled Nurses.
4. Contact your local, state, and national Disabled Individuals to see if they can offer you any options.

Good Luck...we nurses do not lose our intrinsic knowledge just because we are experiencing "limitations". You got this!

May 25th, 2024

My advice would be to look into working as a consultant for the quality department to support inpatient and outpatient services. There is also an option of being a virtual nurse helping with inpatient admissions and discharge. Thank you