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What's your go-to way to decompress after a shift?

September 22nd, 2023

Everybody has different ways, but I do video games/computer games to disconnect and also allows me release anger through online gaming/chat by cursing, etc. LOL!

February 26th, 2025

That's highly dependent on what helps you. Are you looking for a physical or mental release as well.

I have several depending on my needs, for example if I am particularly worked up a good work out helps best. Like figure skating for me - the cool air is refreshing and the cardio really gets my endorphins pumping.
But, if I need something more calming - a walk in nature might be more therapeutic, reconnecting with someone you love, playing with a pet or just being alone to work through those thoughts and let it go. It's can be as much as sitting in the car before entering the house - just something about being in silence for a moment.

However, never underestimate a good book or tv series and binging it as well - to just rot and escape the world.