Any side gigs to do or skills you can freelance online as a nurse? I also like to write and am a certified personal trainer. Just not sure how to market those things yet with no experience as a writer or PT and idk if they are even needed right now.
Nurse who are able to write and are good at it are in demand. There is a nurse owned company that pops up on FB every once in a while looking for nurse writers. There are folks like me who have been around a long time that "think we have a lot to say to improve the next generation" but just don't sit down and write all our great knowledge and skills down in order to pass it all along and sure it will be lost forever! - can you tell I used to be a nursing instructor!! LOL.
I just did a quick web search on "looking for a writer" and found multiple websites for professionals such as, writers, other freelance places.
If you have ever submitted a professional article to a nursing journal you know the reviewers can be brutal. Having a professional writer assist with the nuances of the manuscript is a lifesaver.
Best of luck