Have you ever had to cry at work? How did you handle it? Where did you go?
All the time lol bathroom!
January 23 2010 it’s probably one of the worst nights of my life and career. I was working a pediatric trauma room. All I did pretty much all night was pray not to get a pedi trauma. Well even though my answers were granted I did not get a trauma but I did get a pediatric patient she’s only a few days old if that maybe even 24 hours old she came in limp we started IVs got her on the monitor got the broselow scale out and began to save this life it really was not going to make it. You see this is the anniversary of my daughter‘s death a few years earlier. One of the nurses went up to L and D where she used to work and got a baby box for the mom we got handprints and footprints for the baby. My coworker came to me and said you need to talk to this woman she won’t hold her baby I said do you know what’s going to happen if I go in there. I agreed to cleaned up the baby a little bit wrapped her up held her myself I couldn’t help but smell the freshness of baby off of her little head. I handed the baby to the mom and translated in Spanish hold your baby kiss your fingers get a picture her husband couldn’t be there I wanted her to love the child that she was gonna have to mourn. Once she was done holding her child we put her back in the bassinet I turned to the mom and I hugged her tight. Both of us cling to each other as the other nurse translated my loss to her. I pray this woman will cherish that moment that we shared. I hope it brought her comfort.
We have a small chapel at my hospital. It is quiet, lighting is dimmed and perfect place to decompress.
I worked Hem/Onc many yrs and yes I cried! I cried in the open, I cried in my car in the shower in the bathroom. I cried with patients. I have even cried with the doctor and the patient all of us hugging when bad news was received. You just make sure you never cry louder or harder than the patient and family.
yes, my patient had just passed away at the end of shift right after I transferred him to ICU...I felt I could've done more earlier on...I'll never forget his name. I went and cried in the can ban with another nurse who followed me in there. she hugged me and it helped. I needed support in that moment.
Bathroom for sure
Worked in hospice, patients and their families were not upset with me shedding a few tears. All out crying does not help anyone. Remember you are in charge if you cannot control your tears excuse yourself and go somewhere private. This also works with inappropriate laughter which also occasionally happens.
The med room! I now know where EVERYTHING is! Lol
Med room 😂
The bathroom.. even the hidden bathrooms so no one saw me.
I'm a "seasoned" nurse...OK I've been a nurse for a long time. Yes, I have had instances when I cry @ work. If I feel comfortable with the family-patient, I can cry in from of them. Otherwise, I leave (break room, bathroom, outside for a minute). I was taught you do what is comfortable for you in each situation.