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What are some ways to promote comfort and dignity for patients in their final days or hours?

April 15th, 2024

Get them in hospice in a timely manner, let them eat whatever they want, take them off all of their unnecessary meds like statins, vitamins ect, guide the family members to the patients wishes, not theirs. Give them permission to go

September 9th, 2023

Ensure that both pain and breathing is well controlled. Long before those last days of the transition, educate your patient and their families on how the body changes throughout the process, why certain things happen and assure them that your hospice is there for them until their journey ends.
Always, maintain your patient in a clean and healthy manner. I continue to speak to them while performing all care, straight through to my post- mortem care, as if they can hear me, ensuring they know exactly what I am doing at all times.
It may be a small thing, but I refuse to send anyone out of their home to the funeral home wraring diapers or pullups. When I do the post care, I specifically ask for a pair of their underwear, in order to send them out with their dignity intact.
Soft music in the background is always a good choice. Whatever gender the patient enjoyed throughout their life. Those heated wax aroma things provide a nice background scent provided it is not anything overwhemling.
I tell my families to get a glass o f wine, a shot, a cup of tea or coffee and just go sit with their loved one, let them know how much they are loved, that they will be OK. and to get anything they feel like they will regret not saying, said while their loved one is still here with them.