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I’m applying in hospitals where I need 1 year experience as nurse because I’m moving, but I have 10 month as NICU level 3 nurse and 11 month as nurse. I can’t start from 0 in a residency program. What can I do because this is so frustrating.

July 20th, 2024

Stay put in NICU and postpone move, be realistic.

July 21st, 2024

Depends on why you are moving. Is it something that has to be done or needs to be done. If you can wait 2 months do it if not I would just go either they are going to take you or not. I am sure they take new grads. If not that jobs is not for you try somewhere else. Good luck.

July 20th, 2024

Either postpone the move, or round up on the resume, but the latter opens the door for issues down the line