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Is it bad form to ask an interviewer if it would be possible to observe the unit I'm interviewing? I want to make sure I mesh well with the team and culture before committing to a job.

April 3rd, 2023

If you are not offered a trip around the unit, I would wonder if something is off. A unit should be proud of their area. But unfortunately, too many times, they are nice and friendly to new employees at first but not a few months later. New jobs are stressful on a good day. Always be aware of sneaky back stabbing. It is usually hard to know who to trust. Back in the 70s, we liked to know where new people were from and have a good exchange of information. Not so nowadays. Good luck. Keep a diary. Be friendly and professional.

December 7th, 2022

Not at all! If you have the availability, they should grant you the opportunity. If they are not receptive …big red flag.

September 14th, 2024

You might ask to shadow a nurse who does the job in a similar position. Many facilities are fine with this. You could shadow an entire shift, or just a part of a shift.

December 8th, 2022

It does not hurt to ask. I would definitely want a tour of the entire unit hospital where the allow. Observe the staff an operations plus cleanliness. You don't want to work in a place that is not run to your standards and the staff appears unhappy

September 15th, 2024

No it is not, I did on the unit I did not pick and did not on the unit I ended up on and gravely regret it! SO demand it!