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What would you consider an acceptable starting pay for a new graduate nurse? I have been offered $20 but don't know whether to accept. I'm from Tempe, AZ.

October 1st, 2024

No, I would not. As a nurse whether an LPN/LVN or RN GN nothing below $35 and that's not including incentives, sign on bonuses etc. We work hard in school and yes, I get that we are building our experience but as nurses we are owed the opportunity to make a living not barely make it! Someone will give you a chance and offer more money- keep looking!

September 23rd, 2024

The average salary for you would be anywhere from $65k to $110k. They are offering you $41k. I would not take it. The you have to know what your license is worth and the liabilities that you will take on.

October 2nd, 2024

I personally wouldn't work for less than $32/hr. I saw where Target is hiring cashiers for $19.

October 3rd, 2024

I previously lived in Scottsdale and 20 years ago in 2004 and started my residency at a large hospital earning $27/hour. That was in 2004!!! Offering you $20/hour? This is what many fast food restaurants pay their employees in 2024. Value your license. Find a position that brings you happiness AND supports your lifestyle. As info, I now work as a school nurse in the Pacific NW earning over $80/hour with incredible benefits. Get your experience and chart your path for an exciting career. Don't settle for meh.

October 1st, 2024

Don't take it until you've looked at the Bureau of Labor and Statistics for your area. Then you can see what the mean and median wages are for RNs, LPNs and ADNs (not sure which you are).
I never tell prospective employers my previous income, just tell them what I want to make and show them the BLS data to support asking for what I would like. Each time I've changed jobs, I've gotten AT LEAST a 30% raise. There is no benefit in being loyal to a facility anymore because they will underpay you as long as they can .

Got great advice from a nursing instructor.... apply for a job at a hospital that's a few hospitals away from you and stay there for 2 years. Once you've put in your time, you've got experience and then can look closer to home.
Best wishes!

October 1st, 2024

As a new grad IN Arizona..I was offered $33 which was one of the highest being offered. I would definitely not accept that.

October 2nd, 2024

Absolutely not. 30+

October 1st, 2024

That's is wey too low, at least RN should start at $40/hr

October 1st, 2024

We pay our CNAs 23/hr. You can work anywhere at all , not skill or license, or liability for $20.00 /hr. Offering that tells you they will take advantage of you if they can and they do not value nurses. Run away.

October 9th, 2024

$20/hr is insultingly low. Never accept that! Even as a new grad, starting pay there should be no less than $30-35/hr., with a schedule you should be able to see while interviewing to show how often reviews are and how your salary will change with them. Unfortunately, in today's healthcare environment, many administrations are "encouraging" their managers to (find) things in reviews to bring down any potential raises. Be able to stand up and defend your work and progress if this occurs. Trust me, it Does happen! I was able to successfully defend agains this very thing in the past. Now retired and would Never, ever go back. I'm simply too old to tolerate what is happening in the field now. My mouth just doesn't have a strong enough 'leash' anymore. Wait for a position that will pay you what you're worth! And you ARE worth it!!

October 5th, 2024

I’m a new grad and was offered $38 an hour, I would never take $20 an hour

October 4th, 2024

Absolutely not.

Research the going pay in your area and your facility for new grads.

That's not acceptable.

October 1st, 2024

$35 hour minimum

October 1st, 2024

absolutely not

October 1st, 2024

$ 35. You can flip burgers for 20. So sad. Nurses work a complex job and have to make critical decisions

October 7th, 2024

What do you mean by $20? is that even thinkable or is it a prank?

October 6th, 2024

That is crazy low. In Calif, It’s much higher.
You would make more being a grocery clerk

October 4th, 2024

Graduate Nurse should not earn nothing less than $50 because the responsibilities led on her is greater than the pay

October 2nd, 2024

I meant to add that in CA kids get paid $22 an hour yo work at In & Out Burgers !

October 1st, 2024


October 12th, 2024

No don’t accept the job, starting pay should be minimum $30/ hr for a new nurse

October 8th, 2024

I make 20 an hour as a PCT..

October 1st, 2024

That's to low. I'm from Indiana near Chicago/Illinois border. Nurses start here at about 25 an hour ar least

October 16th, 2024

Decline decline decline, that is way to low between $35-40 at least

October 16th, 2024

Nursing salary is regionally specific. AZ and most states in the West pay relatively higher than the SOUTH or South East U.S being Moderately Low to Lowest paying areas. They are still in the SLAVE ERA for people of color and the PRE Women's rights ERA for womwn in general. It will NOT chamge if Nurses and APRNS do not STOP accepting Slave wages.

While I am an APRN I have lived and worked both as an RN in the past in all regions. New Grads in the West earn more than those in other areas so the $20/hr is FAR BELOW the local Standards. You have to go on LinkedIn or do a simple google search to see Current U.S statistics on New Graduate Nursing Salaries in your area.

Once you have this general idea then you go back and COUNTER OFFER. Many Nurses are NOT taught how to Negotiate and push back on salary offers.

Physicians and Medical practices are PARASITIC against Nuraing professsion. They will BLEED you and LOWER YOUR WORTH if you ALLOW IT.

We have to Elevate our profession if we with to be treated with the respect we deserve.

All this is all because of the persistent and Pervasive mindset on how WOMEN are treated as 2nd class citizens.

It is a CULTURE that is so common that most employers do this because they KNOW Women are afraid to SPEAK UP for themselves.

You are a New Grad not a mental retard. That wage offer is OFFENSIVE to you and our profession. You were trained in yoir education and while needing clinical support as you ramp up, you will be fiving of your time and clinical knowledge while you build your confidence.

The idiot who offered you $20/hr would NEVER allow his own daughter to accept that insult and would kick his son if he came home with less than $35/hr as a new grad but prejudicially as a MAN. Gender inequality remains an issue. It will not change if we do not change it.

We must change this for purselves and generations coming after us.

Let it begin with YOU and YOU and YOU. I tolerate nothing less than I am worth. Neither should you.

October 15th, 2024

I made $45k in Louisiana in 1998. Moved to Cali and made $58k in 2000. In 2002 moved up to mgmt and made $67k. So no I wouldn’t start at $20/hr. That is what they pay Disney employees.

October 13th, 2024

Depends are u an LPN or RN I wouldn’t take anything less than $30 for a new grad. However where are u applying in the city it’s always more

October 13th, 2024

Are you a LPN or RN…Know your worth Sis.Do some research on salary and hourly wages for nurses in your state

October 11th, 2024

I started out at 19.50 an hour in 2009 in WV. With no experience, I'd say no less than $30.

October 7th, 2024

Two years ago I started at $31/hr as a new grad with the honor health network. Two years later making $42/hr having leveled up with the company. This is not including differentials

October 7th, 2024

Very low for Az, too
I worked for banner systems for 3 years about 4 years ago - so recent enough to think 20$ too low !!

October 2nd, 2024

It’s crazy how different areas of the country pay their nurses do little. I’m from califirnia(Bay Area) and wages are high here. A new grad starts about $60. RN with top seniority about $110/hr. Now of course it is super expensive living here. A garage that needs to fixed up cost $500,000!

October 2nd, 2024


October 2nd, 2024

RN hourly rate $32/hr

October 2nd, 2024

Honestly I think you have to research the area you want to work to see what the average new nursing program is paying. Don t forget to ask if ig is an initial first 6-month rate and after you ve passed that you re entitled to a pay raise. If you can, you should move to the Bay Area in CA, where the average new nursing starting rate was $56/hr back in 2012. That can be a goal. Just have your resume polished and ready to land on every attractive job listing you can find. Nursing is hoing to continue to ne in demand for thd long-term foreseeable future. Good Luck, Congratulations!!

October 2nd, 2024


October 2nd, 2024


October 2nd, 2024

I would say at least $29-30/hr! It was 26.50 when I was a new grad in 2020 (I’m in upstate NY) but there’s shortages everywhere.

October 2nd, 2024

Not acceptable at all !

October 2nd, 2024

I am in middle Tennessee and new grads are starting at $34 an hour. PCT’s are between $16-25 an hour.

October 2nd, 2024

$30...Graduate nurses do not have the experience or the practical application skills to be paid the same as seasoned RNs.

October 2nd, 2024

I was just looking at travel jobs in AZ and they were offering $52/hr for RN with 1 year of experience. I hope that's helpful maybe you could use that for leverage in negotiation.

October 2nd, 2024

Depending on whether you are RN BSN or LPN. You have to look at the experienced Salary runs. You cannot walk in as a New Nurse making $30 or more until you work up to earn it. Also don’t stop as a bedside nurse. Stay in School for Masters and Phd. That will be worth it.

October 2nd, 2024

This question has multiple factors that can impact the final answer.

Do you have any medical experience? How much? Same or different department? What area will you be in? (Depending on what area in the hospital or facility you are in will greatly change the pay.)
Are you an LPN, RN, BSN?
Is the position in Tempe?

All these answers will greatly change your base pay.
Tempe and Arizona in general pay less. Do a salary search from a reputable source and use it for negotiation.
If you have zero experience and the area pays low, take it and learn everything you can in your first year, then move on. Seriously keep a journal of what you learn, how you handled a situation, how you rise above to excel and if after a year you like where you work, negotiate with a proper resume if you will, of your experience and highlights. If not, format a new CV with all you have learned and move on.

October 1st, 2024

Geez, 20 years ago, they were starting at $20.00. Today, when they are paying people in other jobs which do not include education, a license and life saving skills, no way. Check with other hospitals.

October 1st, 2024


October 1st, 2024

Thanks but no thanks

October 1st, 2024

That is a slap in the face. Our CNA's deserve more than that.

October 1st, 2024

no way.

October 1st, 2024

Absolutely not. That’s insultingly low. I’m making $29/hour and that is also insultingly low, especially for the area I live in and my specialty.

New grads should at LEAST start out with $30/hour. I know new grads up north who started with $35/hour.

Don’t waste your time on somewhere that pays you pennies, because then the only way to make a livable wage will be to jump ship later down the line anyway just to receive competitive pay. Start out somewhere where your initial pay is strong so if you do jump ship, your wage can only go up!

October 1st, 2024

We were told by an instructor not to accept anything less than $30/hour. I'm in Rock Hill, SC.

October 1st, 2024

That’s low unless you’re in a training /preceptorship program. If you’re expected to be a regular RN, trained but a new grad, it might be OK. It’d be beginning $$.

October 1st, 2024


October 1st, 2024


October 1st, 2024


October 1st, 2024

Are you an RN? I’m in Tempe, banner starts at $31 which I believe is still too low

October 1st, 2024

To survive, pay rent, buy food and pay on student loans, in the PNW (Washington South Puget Sound Area) at least 110k

October 1st, 2024

65 to 110

October 1st, 2024

I will take 35 per hrs

October 1st, 2024


October 1st, 2024

When I was starting out 5 years ago I was paid 24.20 in Louisiana on nights now I had shift diff that got me to around 30 and they still took advantage of me. Left bedside to do Home Health and I’m currently making more money doing Home Health and my work life balance is a whole lot better than it was when I was in the hospital. I say Ron they’re going to offer you $20 an hour. That is sick. Also, are you RNBSN or an RN or LPN, I know that shouldn’t make much of a difference, but it does state

October 1st, 2024


October 1st, 2024

Especially in Acute Care management