In my 45 years of experience in nursing, as far away from patient care areas as they can!
From my past work experiences, Nurse Administrators can work in hospitals. nursing homes, school nursing, insurance companies, skilled rehab facilities, LHCSA and others, as long as your skills match the requirement for the job. I have a Masters in Health Administration and have worked in Utilization Review, Quality and Case Management, Discharge Planning and Home Care.
You are not limited!
Jacqueline Edwards- Morris
Mostly in the hospital setting. However, they also provide services to Home Care and remote data abstraction companies.
Administrative work is managing people, an office or supplies just to name a few areas of involvement. It requires organizational skills and timely response for a safe and effective response. It will test your communication skills as well as time management skills either directly or through the people that report to you. In healthcare with unpredictable events, it can motivate you to do seek solutions that prevent reoccurrences. Therefore, every field of healthcare requires a leader to have these skills. Taking on any administrative duty will allow you to seek a better outcome. It will challenge your decision-making skills and raise you to a higher level of critical thinking. I say "go for any position" that advances your critical thinking skills which you will take to the next position. There is value in grabbing onto "any" opportunity to be trained on administrator roles for career advancement. I say GO FOR IT as early in your career as possible.
Hi thereπ
Healthcare administrators work in hospitals ambulatory care centers consulting companies patient safety/quality healthcare system. They hold director VP CEO and system/division positions
There are different levels of healthcare administrators. As a Chief Nursing Officer, you can only work in a hospital designation. As a Chief Executive Officer, the healthcare arena is open.
Everywhere. Private practice, hospitals, home health, dialysis .. I am an RN in dialysis. I have been in administration for about 5 years now transitioning over time from charge nurse
Most healthcare settings and some organizations