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Any advice on how to get back to being an RN again after having been out of hospital practice for 19 years? Any input is greatly appreciated...

July 24th, 2024

May I ask what you were doing? I have 19 years experience as a RN and I worked in Utilization Management, Case Management, and Partial Pharmaceuticals/Educator, but I found Psych will definitely take you, as well as I worked in a Prison and that was great money and benefits and really fun! I was only away from bedside for 7 years last job being a Shock Trauma Lecel 1 ICU nurse at a prestigious hospital for 6 years and that always seem to get me a little more respect. Psych took me in, and got me back into the groove, esp getting promoted to ECT, due to my clinical background as Psych Mitses from my have a lot of clinical medical skills, because Psych is a lot of their only or primary Experience. , but hospitals always want recent hospital experience and I definitely didn’t want to go back to a hospital. So all my experience got me a Lead Case manager job currently but I’m trying to one day soon leave Nursing altogether. Peace and ❤️ Love

July 24th, 2024

We're in the same boat, I'm returning to Nursing as an RN (A.A.S.) degree. I live in NJ, and I had to take a refresher course which I successfully completed it consists of 15 weeks didactic and 80-hour clinical rotation. I also had to retake the NCLEX which my initial exam was in 1985 and I passed it April 6th, 2024. Since June 4th I've been seeking employment and am still looking. This point in time seems to be the most difficult the continuing to apply, going on interviews, and the waiting. But keeping the faith and a positive attitude will triumph! Good Luck!!