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How to get a job as an Informatics Nurse?

October 20th, 2022

I have been an informatics nurse for 20 years and my advice is this. Get to know your IT colleagues and find out what projects they are working on to digitalize the workspace. This is not only for nursing but no - clinical areas also. Volunteer to be a part of the testing activities or user accepts an e testing if you understand the workflow. Usually they have a script. Give objective feedback. Document any IT or medical device project work you have done and ask for feedback afterwards. This becomes your working resume.
Good luck!

May 30th, 2023

First thing is to express your interest to your nursing leadership. Volunteer to be an informatics committee - EX: is your hospital rewriting the weight based heparin protocol? Revising fall documentation in the EHR? that would be a great way to see if you want to follow that career path. There are also MSN programs specifically for nursing informatics. Hope this helps