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What were your favorite study materials for the NCLEX?

September 24th, 2021


I viewed many study materials. My personal favorite is Lippincott. Why? It’s simple and easy to understand compare to Mosby and others.

September 15th, 2021

Mark Klimek Review.
NCLEX Mastery

June 25th, 2023

Hertz nclex review was what I studied and liked.

May 2nd, 2022

I am an expert test taker, and I am available for tutoring. Please p.m. me

April 30th, 2022

A: Uworld for the question bank aiming at 75 questions a day with no break until 2 hours and worked on improving my time each day. Each source will recommend a different amount of questions to practice but I found you have to go with what you’re comfortable with and set a realistic goal you can achieve! If you set a goal for 200 questions and fail to reach that goal day after day it’ll get discouraging. Uworld questions and format was similar to the NCLEX.
Also, there are 12 lectures by Mark Klimek that are so helpful! I listened to each one once, took notes, reviewed my notes each day, and then listened to each lecture again while I was working out. The memory tricks for the medications don’t work because he uses the brand names however I looked up all of the generics and was able to find other ways to remember them. He organizes content very well & builds your knowledge on the items everyone should know.
Picmonic’s was a helpful app I used to help remember key points about items I struggled with. For example, it helped with psych assessments and interventions.

September 25th, 2021