How often you have interaction with your facility's administration?
I Agreed on day shift it could be daily. On nights it could be once a week to once a month depending on their role and their williness to be there for the night shift group.
If you work day shift, there is the potential for everyday interaction with various members of administration. On night shift, it is far far less.
This is a very wide open question. I would redefine the question based upon role (Staff, Charge, Supervisor, Manager, or Director). Also, define administration. Is this the C-suite only? Admin Directors or Directors? Interactions are going to differ greatly depending on role, who is defined as Admin and size of facility.
As a Director, ACNO, and CNO I was at work early to rounded through the facility everyday to interact with everyone I could to include random patients. I would also schedule myself to round on the evening staff several times a month at the start of their shift and not just see them in the morning when they were ready to do home.