I’m looking for a job that pays a lot for very little work. Any leads?
Maybe nursing isn't the tight work for you.
What...nursing isn't easy enough for you? Everyone knows we just sit around playing cards all day. (sarcastic reference to senator Walsh's statement)
You will not find it in nursing, and your attitude seems very unprofessional. As Studs Turkel once wrote "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Best consider another career since your primary objective is money. While nurses are paid well, we are expected to do a great deal, hence the rigor of our education and clinical training.
I assume for very little work you mean not being responsible for the things that belong in the job description of the nursing care partner, physical therapist, social worker, maintenance, housekeeping and IT as well as your own duties involved with caring for the whole patient and their families. As far as I know, that no longer exists. But if you come across it take it immediately.
This is a ridiculous question!!
If you mean less physical...look into office work or school nursing.
become an actor or politician
Hello, when you says " very little work", do you refer to fewer physical demands? Thank you.
The whole world is looking for this.
No need for the snarky remarks. This is a very valid question following up on the initial COVID-19 slam, disrespect and burnout. Maybe look into corrections nursing. It still takes a special need to do it but it's no where near as taxing on the mind and body as floor nursing is in my opinion. Also, insurance case manager or utilization review nursing is a cake walk comparatively.
There is no such thing. Even a minimum paying job will not make you work minimum work load.
Not a great question. Work for a prison. They pay well and have great benefits. You may want to research why.