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What are your past and present experiences on bullying at work? And how did you handle it? Or how would you had handled it differently?

August 1st, 2024

I worked with a new nurse who was being bullied. She quietly kept notes and even a recording of a threatening voicemail. Then she went to HR. She had so much evidence, they had to act. And they forced the offending nurse to retire. I thought she was a rock star!!!

July 30th, 2024

I resigned lol. Simple. I’ve been a nurse for 12 years, the jobs are out there. Passive aggression in my case was unacceptable nor was it tolerated. If your nervous system is being compromised, you should talk to you PCP. You can talk about your options- possibly a work release, psych evaluation, and other resource and tools to help with your mental health. You can’t serve from an empty cup.

August 15th, 2024

In nursing there is a lot of bullying, from leadership, from workmates, and from patients and I have experienced it all, past and present. It never stops because I have been in nursing for 44 years. I have handled by changing jobs. Once I presented a case which would have meant firing the manager but they requested a mediator to moderate my situation and gave the manager a warning. I made them aware that they did that because they were afraid to fire the manager. I told them its my choice to accepts mediation if it happens again I am going beyond HR. They acknowledged that. My advise is keep a record of facts. Present your complaints as facts in SBAR and avoid presenting feelings. They will feel the feelings if you present clear facts. If there is no solution nicely look for another job somewhere but never burn bridges.

August 15th, 2024

Nursing can eat they're young. I've lost work for bad reasons. There really isn't a defense. When they have decided against you.

January 8th, 2025

Remined myself that I'm not there for friends and honestly just started keeping to myself more. I don't go out of my way to help those people anymore, instead their little clique can do that. I also try to schedule myself with people I know that I get along with and most of the time it works.

December 3rd, 2024

We used to say “Nurse Eat Their Young” it was endemic. The only way I could get it controlled was to hold the raises for the senior nurses that were particularly brutal. That got their attention and more than a little of enmity.

The other way I finally got through to my ICU staff when they kept complaining about the “tourists that we trained and then went to another hospital” was to point out they were the cause and if they wanted to get out of the sever shortage we were in was to mentor and assist new people rather than eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner.

We set up an extended orientation program for the new folks and had mentors assigned.
Did not keep the senior nurses from going after each other they way ICU nurses did at the time but we did not have as many tourists. was sometimes difficult to tell but life was a little happier in the ICU after that.

I have no current info because I am working as an NP with my own office and outlying work with 2 other providers and no support staff. No issues with bullying.

September 2nd, 2024

Past bullying usually starts with employees engaging in gossip. I make it clear that I do not participate in gossip of any kind and that they should as well. This goes against professionalism. I simply walk away and do not engage.

August 27th, 2024

I was physically grabbed by a manager. She was reported and voluntarily quit on the spot. The facility felt that was all that was needed but I did not feel supported. It really changed my comfort level and I left after a few months.

August 24th, 2024

I reported the Manager to her immediate Supervisor then reported her to Human Resources. I eventually left the position ( in addition to 3 other staff members). In hindsight, I would have not tolerated the professional bullying for so long. Note:
This person has since been upgraded to a Senior level position.

July 30th, 2024

Same, I was given a promotion, and then I received unwarranted criticism for every move I made. Numerous emails of harassment from a directors position and we were a very small office with one person in HR and it was very hard to find where peoples lines of loyalty lied. I went above and beyond for this job, and it was disturbing my emotional and mental well-being so much so I couldn’t sleep and I would leave work during my breaks just to cry in the car I was ignored and my emails were being forwarded maybe in hopes that they could find something wrong and fire me but I did my job 120% and for some reason that upset a couple of individuals, One of them being the individual that held the job prior to me, I think she was upset because I did it better than her and the ratings showed that. I had a lot of PTO so I quit. There’s too many jobs out there to stay miserable, especially when you are an asset to a company.

July 30th, 2024

My focus is to maintain professionalism. Indifferences are best handled through professional communication.

July 29th, 2024

First off, my contract was canceled ( I was thankful!) reported it to the client's HR, then to my travel healthcare agency recruiter and I was let go after review. Understandably, it was expected, their "loyalty" is to their client(s) and not to the nurse on the trenches who fulfills both their needs, right?