Nurse Salaries / Cities
The average Registered Nurse salary varies significantly from city to city. San Jose, CA and the surrounding area has average RN salaries of $155,230. This makes San Jose the highest-paying city for nurses as of May 2021 (according to the BLS). In the United States, the average salary for RNs is $82,750. Additionally, the median (50th percentile) is $77,600.
Over $100,000 lower than the San Jose’s average nurse salary is Decatur, AL, at $54,410. With such a wide possible salary range, it may pay off for nurses to consider moving to a higher-paying area of the country.
On the other hand, it may not. Considering the cost of living between cities means that the same dollar you earn in one area may not go as far as in another.
Read on to learn more about which cities pay their nurses the most, both in absolute terms and after factoring in cost of living.
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Highest-paying cities for Registered Nurses
California is the highest-paying state for nurses. So, it’s no surprise that the highest-paying cities for nurses are located there too. After San Jose is San Francisco and the Bay Area, just to the north, where Registered Nurses earn an average of $151,640. Vallejo, Santa Rosa, and Napa – all California regions, round out the top 5 metro areas by average nursing salary. Not until 20th on the list do you find a non-California city, Honolulu, where Registered Nurses earn $107,680.
Top 10 highest-paying cities for Registered Nurses
See salaries by city for:
Of course, not every nurse can or wants to live in California. Looking beyond the Golden State, coastal regions dominate the nurse salary rankings. Cities like Honolulu, maintain an average RN salary of $107,680. Boston averages $99,950, and Portland salaries are about $101,710. These cities are a few among the top non-California regions for nurse wages.
Top 10 highest-paying cities outside California for Registered Nurses
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Highest-paying cities for RNs, adjusted for cost of living
The cost of living index is a measure of the relative purchasing power of a dollar for things like groceries, housing, and transportation. Regions where these essential goods are more costly than the U.S. average have a higher cost of living index. As of 2021, the San Francisco Bay Area tops the list at 117.4, while Florence–Muscle Shoals, AL comes in lowest, at 82.4.
Adjusting each city’s average RN salary by its cost of living index gives us a potentially more accurate means of comparing where nurses get paid the most.
Some of the same California regions included among the top-paying areas for nurses overall also top the list after adjusting for cost of living.
Though California overall is quite expensive, these areas offer a relatively lower cost of living compared with larger cities like Los Angeles and San Diego. Meanwhile, nurses can still earn a highly competitive salary in these smaller cities, therefore their earnings will go much further.
Top 5 highest-paying cities for Registered Nurses, adjusted for cost of living
Outside of California, coastal regions in the Pacific Northwest come out on top, including Eugene, Portland, and Medford in Oregon. Rounding out the top five are Honolulu and Kahului in Hawaii.
Regions like these may be particularly attractive to nurses since their salary can go much further for things like housing and food costs.
Top 5 highest-paying non-California cities for Registered Nurses, adjusted for cost of living
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