Career Resources / Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse Practice Test
As a critical care registered nurse, you love what you do and take pride in the excellent, high acuity care you provide your patients. Your keen observational and sharp clinical skills make you a natural at what you do, and your perseverance and resilience have made you one of the strongest members of your team. Still, it takes more than talent to move ahead to the next step and advance your career. One of the most effective ways of moving up the ladder is to get board certified by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. This mark of nursing excellence distinguishes you and your abilities and sets you on a leadership path in caring for critically ill adults.
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Why Pursue Your Adult CCRN?
Getting certified in adult critical care is a crucial professional step for registered nurses who provide direct care to acutely ill patients. Whether you work in a hospital intensive care unit, a trauma unit, a cardiac care unit, or anywhere else where critically ill patients are served, taking and passing the certification exam earns you increased respect among your colleagues and makes you eligible for promotion, increased compensation, and bonuses.
Who Can Take the Adult CCRN Exam?
Working in a setting with critical care patients is not enough to qualify you to take the Adult CCRN exam. To be fully eligible, you must meet certain requirements listed below and pay a certification fee.
There is a two-year eligibility option and a five-year eligibility option, both of which are explained below:
To qualify for the two-year option, you must have practiced as an RN (Registered Nurse) or APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse) for a minimum of 1,750 hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill adult patients during the last two years: at least 875 of those 1,750 hours must have been logged in the most recent year before submitting your application.
To qualify for the five-year option, you must have practiced as an RN or APRN for a minimum of 2,000 hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill adult patients during the last five years: at least 144 of those 2,000 hours must have been logged in the most recent year before submitting your application.
Whether you are applying for the two-year option or the five-year option, you will be required to pay an examination fee of either $250 if you are an AACN member or $365 if you are not a member. You must have a current, unencumbered U.S. RN or APRN license, your work hours must have been completed in either a U.S.- or Canada-based facility, you must have been actively providing direct care to patients or supervising nurses or nursing students at the bedside of adult patients who were critically/acutely ill, and your hours reported must be verifiable by a clinical supervisor or professional colleague, whether a registered nurse or a physician.
How Long is Adult CCRN Certification Good For?
Your official certification period begins on the first day of the month in which you pass the Adult CCRN examination and lasts for three years. Four months before the end of your certification period, you will receive an e-mail notification that your certification needs to be renewed. At that time you can apply for and schedule a renewal examination. You are responsible for notifying the AACN Certification Corporation of any name, address, or email address change in order to ensure that you receive this and any other important information pertaining to your certification. This can be done through the AACN website at, via email at, or by calling AACN’s Customer Care department at 1-800-899-2226.
About the Adult CCRN Exam
The Adult CCRN certification examination is a challenging test made up of 150 multiple-choice questions. Applicants are given three hours to complete the examination. Though not all of the questions asked on the exam are scored (25 questions on every exam are being assessed for future exams), each question will be based on the framework and procedures of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses Synergy Model for Patient Care. The majority of the questions (80)%) will measure clinical judgment, and are further broken down by body system as follows:
- Endocrine/Hematology/Gastrointestinal/Renal/Integumentary (20%)
- Cardiovascular (17%)
- Respiratory (15%)
- Musculoskeletal/Neurological/Psychosocial (14%)
- Multisystem (14%)
An additional 20% of the questions asked on the exam will gauge the nurse’s command of professional caring and ethical practice in areas including:
- Patient Advocacy/Moral Agency
- Caring Practices
- Clinical Inquiry
- Collaboration
- Facilitation of Learning
- Response to Diversity
- Systems Thinking
No matter how experienced or knowledgeable you may be, it is important to prepare yourself adequately for the exam, which is written at the application and analysis level based on a condensed version of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Their high cognitive level demands study and practice, and registered nurses are encouraged to take Adult CCRN practice tests that are specially prepared for those taking the Adult CCRN exam.
Applying to Take the Adult CCRN Exam
How you apply to take the exam — and the form of the exam itself — will depend upon whether you plan on taking the exam alone or as part of a cohort. Individuals can register for the exam online at the AACN website,, clicking on the option to “Get Certified.” Those who wish to apply as a group and take the test together must use a paper application which is available by emailing the request to Note: Nurses applying online will take a computer-based exam, either at home with Live Remote Proctoring or at a PSI testing center, while those who apply to take the exam as a group will take a paper-and-pencil exam. The latter must be requested at least four months prior to the desired exam date, and all completed applications and appropriate fees must be submitted 8 weeks prior to the confirmed exam date.
The application itself must be accompanied by a signed honor statement and the application fee. Upon receipt the application will be reviewed and confirming emails will be sent to those who have successfully applied. Ineligible requests will receive written notification, and incomplete applications will result in a written request for clarification. Applicants should allow two to four weeks for paper applications to be processed.
Scheduling the Adult CCRN Exam
Once your application has been received, reviewed, and approved, the AACN will send you an email detailing the process of scheduling your exam appointment, including the deadline by which you have to schedule and take the test. Upon receiving this information you can click through directly to schedule the exam using the link titled “Manage Application and Exam Appointment” or visit the AACN website, log in to your customer dashboard, and select “Schedule Exam.” You will be offered the option of either taking the computer-based exam at one of 300 PSI testing centers located across the country or via Live Remote Proctoring, which allows you to take the test in your home or a location of your choosing via laptop or desktop computer. Applicants selecting Live Remote Proctoring will receive a separate email from PSI ensuring that they meet the technology requirements.
You can also schedule your exam by phone at 833-256-1418. To do this you will need to provide the exam ID number contained within your confirmation email.
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Taking the Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse Exam
PSI Testing Centers
If you are taking the exam in person, arrive at the testing center early: those who arrive more than 15 minutes late will not be admitted. You will need to bring a government-issued ID that includes your photograph and signature and that matches the name in your AACN record. You will not be able to bring personal items into the test with you, including purses, backpacks. Coats, or hooded apparel.
Once you’ve been checked in you will be photographed and shown to a dedicated computer where you will take the test. Though the computer screen will prompt you to enter your Social Security Number, you are to enter your AACN customer number instead. The photo that was just taken of you will appear on the screen and remain there throughout the test. The same image will be included with your test score.
Once you have logged in you will be given time to take a practice exam. This is offered as a way to make you comfortable with the computer and the process itself. The time that you spend on your practice exam will not count towards your three-hour time limit. It is up to you how long you spend on the practice exam. Once you indicate that you are ready, you can begin the actual exam and the three-hour clock will start.
The test is structured to provide you with enough time to complete the exam within the allocated three hours. One question will be presented at a time and you can change your answer as many times as you want. You can display the amount of time that you have remaining by clicking on the TIME button that will appear on the lower right-hand side of the computer screen. You will also be able to go back to review your answers or answer any questions that you have left unanswered: the testing system provides a bookmark option next to the TIME button to allow you to do this easily.
You are permitted to take breaks during the exam, but time will continue elapsing. You may not ask questions about the exam’s content, use any scratch paper, or leave the testing area without authorization. You are not permitted to eat, drink, chew gum, or smoke in the testing center.
When you have completed the exam, you will be prompted regarding any questions that you haven’t answered. It is suggested that you answer those questions, even if you are guessing. If you reach the three-hour mark without completing the exam, the computer will stop the test.
Upon completion, your test score will appear on the screen. A detailed report on your score will be emailed to you separately and your certification will appear in the AACN Certification Verification system if you have passed.
Live Remote Proctoring
Applicants who have chosen the Live Remote Proctoring option should log onto the exam at least 15 minutes before their scheduled examination appointment. This is done by logging in to your AACN customer dashboard and clicking “Take Exam” or “Launch Exam.” Applicants who log in more than 30 minutes after their scheduled exam time will not be permitted to take the exam. A live proctor will appear on screen and guide you through the check-in process, which will include presentation of a government-issued ID that includes your photograph and signature via your webcam, which you’ll also use to capture a digital photograph of yourself. You’ll also be asked to use the webcam to provide a scan of the room in which you are taking the exam.
No headphones, electronics, cellphones, tablets, notes, or reference materials can be present. You are also not permitted to eat any food, drink any beverages other than water in a clear container, chew gum, or smoke. Do not talk, whisper, or cover your mouth during the exam. The live proctor must be able to see your face the whole time and your computer must be set up at a desk or table, with both hands on or above the workspace at all times.
Once you’ve checked in the exam will be provided to you via a dedicated, secure browser. You will be given time to take a practice exam. This is offered to make you comfortable with the process. The time that you spend on your practice exam will not count towards your three-hour time limit. It is up to you how long you spend on the practice exam. Once you indicate that you are ready, you can begin the actual exam and the three-hour clock will start.
The test is structured to provide you with enough time to complete the exam within the allocated three hours. One question will be presented at a time and you can change your answer as many times as you want. You can display the amount of time that you have remaining by clicking on the TIME button that will appear on the lower right-hand side of the computer screen. You will also be able to go back to review your answers or answer any questions that you have left unanswered: the testing system provides a bookmark option next to the TIME button to allow you to do this easily.
You are permitted to take breaks during the exam, but time will continue elapsing. You may not ask questions about the exam’s content, use any scratch paper, or leave the testing area without authorization. Your entire testing session will be recorded and monitored by the live proctor.
When you have completed the exam, you will be prompted regarding any questions that you haven’t answered. It is suggested that you answer those questions, even if you are guessing. If you reach the three-hour mark without completing the exam, the computer will stop the test.
Upon completion, your test score will appear on the screen. A detailed report on your score will be emailed to you separately and your certification will appear in the AACN Certification Verification system if you have passed.
Paper-and-Pencil Exams
Those who have requested paper-and-pencil exams will be asked to show a government-issued ID that includes a photograph and signature. Once checked in you will be shown to a testing seat and provided an exam book and Scantron form. The form needs to be answered using a pencil. Do not make any marks outside of the appropriate areas on the answer sheet. Erasures must be complete. Your score report will be tabulated manually. This process will take six-to-eight weeks. One-to-two weeks later a letter of congratulations and a wall certificate will be mailed to those who have passed the exam.
Exam Violations
It is important to familiarize yourself with the AACN’s rules regarding behavior during exams. Test takers who break the rules – which include restrictions against tapping fingers or feet, talking to themselves or reading exam questions aloud, or eating, drinking, or chewing gum – are subject to having their exams terminated. The full list of violations is included in the AACN Certification Exam Policy Handbook, which is available on the AACN website.
Passing the Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse Exam
The standard for passing the exam is set using a process known as the modified Angoff. A group of subject matter experts reviews each exam question to determine the level of knowledge or skill required to represent the passing score of 83. Your score is not a reflection of the percentage of questions that you have right, but of how many questions you have answered correctly. For this reason, you are encouraged to answer all questions, even if you are guessing. When you get your score report back it will include information on the number of questions you’ve answered correctly in each content area.
If you do not achieve a passing score, you can apply for a retest.
Preparing for the Adult CCRN Exam
No matter how many hours you’ve worked in critical care or how well you did in nursing school, you will probably not be able to pass the Adult CCRN exam without additional study and preparation. Critical care nursing is a challenging job that requires more than knowledge and skills: you also need proven high-level critical thinking and good judgment. The Adult CCRN exam measures all of these.
In 2021, three out of ten nurses who took the Adult CCRN exam did not pass the first time they took the test. Not only did this delay their ability to achieve their professional goals, it also represents hundreds of dollars in exam fees. To avoid this disappointment and financial loss, it is important that you take the necessary time to study. Most successful test takers indicate that they studied for at least two months prior to the Adult CCRN Exam, and that their most effective test strategy was to study the concepts of critical care and then test themselves with practice questions.
There are plenty of study guides available to familiarize yourself with the different subject areas that will be tested. Testing experts suggest that the most effective method of studying is to study each content area thoroughly, taking notes to highlight any areas that you feel you need to understand better or may struggle to remember. Once you have completed reading the content, take a practice test dedicated to that section, referring to your notes when needed. Once you have successfully gotten 80% of those practice questions right, take the test without your notes. Only move on to the next content area when you have been able to get 80% of the questions right.
After moving on to the next content area, go back to the subject matter that you’ve mastered once a week and take another practice test. By doing this you will keep the material fresh at hand and continue building on your knowledge and comfort level with the questions.
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FAQs about the Adult CCRN Exam
According to the AACN, approximately 70 percent of test takers pass the Adult CCRN exam the first time they take it. Those who do attribute their success to the preparation time that they put in, including studying and taking practice tests.
The Adult CCRN Exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions. Twenty-five of those questions will not count toward your score. You have three hours to complete the exam