Despite the joys that the arrival of spring heralds, it also evokes thoughts of tax season, with all of its negative associations. Adding tax filing to nurses’ already stressful schedules virtually guarantees stress and headaches. The good news is that we’re here to help! We’ve created a guide to help you navigate the tax filing […]
The Best Home Buying Programs for Nurses
Nursing is a highly respected profession, and the demand for qualified, experienced registered nurses is so high that they can get a good-paying job just about anywhere they want. Still, some banks view nurses as a credit risk when it comes to extending them loans. Though this may feel discriminatory or counter-intuitive when a nurse […]
The Education Requirements For The Fastest-Growing Health Care Jobs
Written by: Martha Sandoval, Data Work By Paxtyn Merten Health care professionals are already some of the most sought-after workers in the job market, and their prospects are only increasing. Bureau of Labor Statistics data indicates health care job opportunities will grow faster in the next decade than in other career fields. Every year, the […]
6 of the Hardest Nursing Jobs and What Makes Them So Stressful
Vocation is defined as “a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation”, and that’s certainly true of nursing. Still, it is possible to love your job and find it stressful at the same time. That’s particularly true for nurses who work in high-stress positions. Nurses who are under significant stress at work are at high risk […]
Can Nurse Practitioners Prescribe Medication?
Nurse practitioners (NPs) are Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. They have invested years into their education, and as a result, they have many privileges that registered nurses don’t, including being able to see and diagnose patients and create treatment plans. Though nurse practitioners often work in private practices alongside physicians, their ability to write prescriptions for […]
How to Transfer a Nursing License to Another State
You put so much work into obtaining your nursing license that the mere idea of having to transfer it to another state can sound stressful. Fortunately, what you’ve already done is the heaviest lift, and the process of transferring is largely a matter of filling out some paperwork. That’s because even though every state has […]
Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice by State (2025)
There are currently 27 states, along with Washington, D.C., that grant nurse practitioners (NPs) full practice authority. This means that NPs in those states can perform many of the same tasks as physicians, including prescribing medications, ordering physical therapy, diagnosing and treating medical conditions, and interpreting diagnostic tests. Some people think that nurse practitioners as less experienced […]
What are Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs)?
Exploring a career in nursing? One of the first things you’ll notice is the wide range of options available. There’s a hierarchy of nursing positions, ranging from Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) to the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), and somewhere between the two, you’re sure to find a particular category or specialty of nursing that most fits […]
These are the fastest-growing health care jobs and how much they pay
By: Ben Popkin Health care is the fastest-growing sector in the U.S. economy. The industry will account for roughly 45% of all employment gains from 2022 to 2032, according to projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Much of this will be driven by the country’s rapidly aging population. From 2010 to 2020, the 65-plus […]
19 Nursing Industry Statistics (2025)
Nursing may be one of the world’s oldest professions, but it’s also one that’s constantly evolving. The more you know about what’s going on, the better you’ll understand your own potential and place within the field. Below you’ll find a collection of the facts and figures that we think you’ll find most interesting, most intriguing, […]
Watch: Navigating your Nursing Career in Pediatrics with Lurie Children’s Hospital
FEATURING EMMA OF NURSE FERN AND INCREDIBLE HEALTH TEAM Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 12 PM PT Exploring a career in pediatric nursing? Or looking to switch from adult nursing to pediatric nursing? This is the event for you! In this session, you’ll learn: You’ll hear from nursing job expert, Emma Geiser, RN of Nurse […]
Pediatric Nurse Salary
What kind of pediatric nurse salary you can expect in your area? Here are some factors that affect a pediatric nurse salary, and how you can earn more.
Nursing Terminology for Job Searchers
Have you ever stopped to think about how much your vocabulary has expanded since the time you decided to become a nurse? Symptoms and conditions alone lift the number into the thousands, and then you add on interventions and acronyms, drugs and their interactions, tests and procedures and the vocabulary associated with specialty areas and […]
Becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs) care for children through every stage of their youth, from newborns to young adults. In this article we will explore what pediatric nurse practitioners do, and what it takes to become one. What do pediatric nurse practitioners do? Pediatric Nurse Practitioners are indispensable members of healthcare teams, chiefly employed in clinics, […]
Watch: Navigating Your Nursing Career: Is Getting an MSN Worth It?
FEATURING EMMA OF NURSE FERN AND INCREDIBLE HEALTH TEAM Thursday, September 28th, 2023 • 3:00 PM ET/12:00 PM PT Join us for an insightful discussion exploring whether pursuing further education is worth it for your nursing career. Our panel features Emma Geiser, RN, founder of Nurse Fern, and panelists Incredible Health Nurse Screener, Chelsea Jeffery, […]