According to a 2014 study in Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, nearly one in five nurses leave the field within their first year. A primary way to retain nurses is through professional development and specifically finding a nurse mentor. We see examples of mentorship in popular culture from Sherlock Holmes’ relationship with Dr. Watson to […]
Practical Solutions for Combating Nurse Stress
Nursing is an incredibly rewarding job. It also is one of the most stressful. Burnout from nurse stress is unfortunately a common occurrence. Nearly half of professional nurses indicated in a recent study that stress has caused them to re-evaluate a career choice they previously loved. Common causes of nurse stress So, what causes nurses […]
Why Introverts Can Be Amazing Nurses
Some of the best nurses in the world have certain characteristics in common. Tops on the list are empathy and attention to detail. What does not often make the list of must-have nursing traits? Introversion. Does that mean introverted nurses are not amazing at their jobs? Quite the contrary. Introverts often are the best nurse […]
Hazard Pay for Nurses: A Guide to the Controversy
Around 50 million essential workers are at risk of infection and death as Americans experience a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these essential workers are nurses who face health hazards every day while caring for those infected. As the federal government’s response to the pandemic rolls out, hazard pay for nurses remains a critical issue. […]
Tips for Finding a Job After Nursing School
Finding nursing jobs for new graduates is no easy task. Graduates have to contend with a crowded field of applicants, outdated hiring practices along with a lack of acute experience. But the nursing job search isn’t just about your years of experience or the letters after your name. There’s a lot more to do before searching for […]
Nurse Retirement and Savings: 3 Tips to Help Nurses Reach Their Financial goals
There’s no time like the present to get the most out of your savings, but it can be hard to know where to start. Cash savings, retirement, investments – what’s the most important thing to know? There are often unknowns that can make it feel hard to plan ahead, from how the market may change […]
How One Nurse Landed His Dream Job
Most of us know how demoralizing the job search can be – how it feels to put yourself out there, imagine yourself creating a new future, and then…crickets. I remember reaching out to Arinze because it was my first week at Incredible Health. He told me about how tough his job search had been, how the […]